Dorian you Faggot, get in here!!!

What's the best way to alleviate sinus pressure? If I tilt my head downwards at an angle it feels as if a Nigerian woman is pressing down on my cheeks with enough elbow grease to knead a guano-merange pie. :erk:

I've had the same feeling for the past two days. Yesterday was far worse, and I attributed it to sleeping with a fan blowing squarely in my face. I opted to sweat like Bowe Bergdahl at the Boise County Fair, and it temporarily alleviated my woes. Lo and beholden at this moment, it feels like Fritz Von Erich has applied the iron claw to my mandible. :ill:
Hey has any dude ever had a multiple orgasm? Some broad gave me the greatest handjob ever in Vegas many years ago, and about 30 seconds after the usual explosion of filth, she kept going, and I shot a veritable wax dart across the room. After 5 solid minutes of her laughing, and me not being able to move, we went about our business. That was my first, and so far only, experience with such a thing.

Now, the part was slightly curious, the main thing that I still occasionally ponder, was the fact that I had ZERO sexual function for 24 hours afterward. Zero, zilch, nada, zip, nothing. It was like my libido was completely gone for an entire day. Sure, that wily bastard has varying degrees of emotions of course, which apparently is normal, but this was the only time in my entire life with such a prolonged period of "nope!" that I have ever experienced.

Okay okay, I'll come clean. The proverbial wax dart actually shot northward and ended up in a self-inflicted pearl necklace. Since I was paralyzed by the immediately preceding sensation, I was rendered unable to clean my situation. Hence all the laughter from the woman responsible.

Jerry, is your sinus pressure due to allergies? I used to get sinus madness in the moderately fierce variety, but since dosing with local honey daily, it has absolutely subsided for several years now. Highly recommended hippie solution, and at the very least, honey is delicious!
Hey has any dude ever had a multiple orgasm? Some broad gave me the greatest handjob ever in Vegas many years ago, and about 30 seconds after the usual explosion of filth, she kept going, and I shot a veritable wax dart across the room. After 5 solid minutes of her laughing, and me not being able to move, we went about our business. That was my first, and so far only, experience with such a thing.

Okay okay, I'll come clean. The proverbial wax dart actually shot northward and ended up in a self-inflicted pearl necklace. Since I was paralyzed by the immediately preceding sensation, I was rendered unable to clean my situation. Hence all the laughter from the woman responsible.
5 stars
Hey has any dude ever had a multiple orgasm? Some broad gave me the greatest handjob ever in Vegas many years ago, and about 30 seconds after the usual explosion of filth, she kept going, and I shot a veritable wax dart across the room. After 5 solid minutes of her laughing, and me not being able to move, we went about our business. That was my first, and so far only, experience with such a thing.

Now, the part was slightly curious, the main thing that I still occasionally ponder, was the fact that I had ZERO sexual function for 24 hours afterward. Zero, zilch, nada, zip, nothing. It was like my libido was completely gone for an entire day. Sure, that wily bastard has varying degrees of emotions of course, which apparently is normal, but this was the only time in my entire life with such a prolonged period of "nope!" that I have ever experienced.


Did you experience a warm burning sensation when ye spilled your seed?