DragonForce album #5


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
I'm sure I'm late to the party on this one but I just had an email saying "the next chapter of DragonForce is currently being written" and is scheduled to be released in 2011. Worth a mention, can't say I'm very excited about this though. I can't remember the last time I listened to anything off UB
Didn't they cancel their Japanese/Asian tour at the end of last year to concentrate on writing the new album, with the intention of taking about a year to do the writing

Would make it even less impressive therefore if they followed a similar formula to the past albums

IMO, Valley of the Damned is a superb album, the next 3 have had their moments but they've been very samey
I'm a gigantic DF fan (not to the extent that some of the newer generation of fans are, especially on their message board, but still pretty damn huge throughout all the controversy they've been victim to the past several years...). I'm eagerly awaiting this album, but I won't get my hopes up for a different sound. I had that mindset while I was waiting for Ultra Beatdown, and while it did change up some things here and there, it was more or less the same thing. It's a good album and all, but I was really hoping for something that branched out, UB being their fourth album and all...

I'll be getting the box set of their newly remastered VOTD + other junk at some point... I can't wait for the live DVD to come. Hopefully that'll be later this year? I believe we're finally due a live DVD. Then again, I've been saying that about Stratovarius for god knows how many years now...
I'm a gigantic DF fan (not to the extent that some of the newer generation of fans are, especially on their message board, but still pretty damn huge throughout all the controversy they've been victim to the past several years...). I'm eagerly awaiting this album, but I won't get my hopes up for a different sound. I had that mindset while I was waiting for Ultra Beatdown, and while it did change up some things here and there, it was more or less the same thing. It's a good album and all, but I was really hoping for something that branched out, UB being their fourth album and all...

Yeah, pretty much snap, me too!

I'll be getting the box set of their newly remastered VOTD + other junk at some point... I can't wait for the live DVD to come. Hopefully that'll be later this year?

I thought it was Feb 21st? Anyway £65 bundle is far too steep for me. Even just the CDs themselves will cost about £28 not including p+p.
I have to say that after repeated listens i really liked UB, the overall song structures were much better than on IR. there were even some actual riffs going on :lol:, some slow sections (admitidly not a lot) and the chorus' were catchier
I've kind of grown to accept that the albums will be very samey. as long as you don't listen to one album after the other it's all good :lol:
1928 & Power_Metal_Dom: Seems all 3 of us pretty much have the same opinions on Dragonforce in general!

I did really enjoy Ultra Beatdown despite it's obvious samey-ness. Whether I would enjoy them doing the same again is very doubtful though. I think it would be taking the piss if they did!
Homogeneity in music doesn't bother me--I'm a power metal fan, a genre that, however awesome, is not particularly experimental. (And when it does get experimental, it's frequently poor--Unia, anyone?)

That said, Inhuman Rampage is my least favorite DF album, with so few differences in tempos and structure that even a die-hard fan like myself would have trouble telling them apart from snippets even today. But I loved Ultra Beatdown. It had something close to Valley's variety (well, comparative to other DF stuff), Sonic's epicness, and Inhuman's raw speed. The choral outro to HoOT, the death-metal intro and proggy middle of RTL, even the silliest ballad they've done yet... plus a Shadow Warriors cover and the awesome E.P.M. bonus track.

So yeah, of course I'm excited, of course I'll have this on Day #1 and will have every inane meaningless mishmash lyric memorized within a week. :rock Anyone who doesn't know that it's the silliest music in the world needs his head examined, but that's exactly why I love it. Acrossss the highest mooountains, and through the eeendless seaaaas...
I'm afraid I just simply cannot take that point seriously.

I believe what he means is that Valley was their most diverse album (by Dragonforce standards), and really, he's correct in that statement, because Ultra Beatdown was a step back in that direction. Valley had a great ballad, some actual riffs, a great breakdown in Disciples of Babylon, etc. Sonic Firestorm was more of a straightforward speedspeedspeed album with the one ballad, and Inhuman Rampage was the same thing except even faster and more meedlymeedly. Even the vocal lines were very fast (Operation Ground and Pound, Revolution Deathsquad, Lost Souls In Endless Time). Ultra Beatdown at least had a little extra variety - the outro to The Warrior Inside, the little piano breaks, the nice slower guitar solos, lots of sections of Reasons to Live, a lot of The Last Journey Home...

Ultra Beatdown was a good departure from the wankery that was Inhuman Rampage. Maybe if they tone down the vocal layering and the video gamey keyboard effects on the next album, it'll be a surprisingly good album.
Also, can't wait to hear the remixed Valley. Still hope they remember to credit Steve. ^^

--hm, were any of the keys on the Valley album (not demo) played by Steve, or did Vadim re-record them all?
Well, I went and did some research...


On the original Valley of the Damned release, did Vad record all of the keyboard parts himself, or were there parts that Steve Williams (Power Quest) played that were left on the album?

All Vad.

There ya have it!
That's not necassarily a bad thing. They've needed a sound change for a long time, and with a new vocalist in they have every excuse to explore different avenues now.
That's not necassarily a bad thing. They've needed a sound change for a long time, and with a new vocalist in they have every excuse to explore different avenues now.
WTF!?!? if it wasn't for dragonforce power metal would basically be dead! even though a lot of people say dragonforce is a representation of power metal it was them that kept it alive! zp theart is an amazing singer! and dragonforce is a great band!!