Dragonforce Mania!!!

To be perfectly honest, it would take you a fraction of the time to type a couple of bands that ANYONE (not just Coolblow) can check out rather than spending much longer typing out long-winded explanations as to why your not going to list any bands. Seems a tad childish to me....
Benighted1 said:
To be perfectly honest, it would take you a fraction of the time to type a couple of bands that ANYONE (not just Coolblow) can check out rather than spending much longer typing out long-winded explanations as to why your not going to list any bands. Seems a tad childish to me....

yea, but then you obviously havent been paying much attention to what i do here have you? i dont take the easy way out, i take the controversial one. but thats usually the thoughtful one as well isnt it?

my point is he needs to broaden his horizons a bit. someone who jumps to such large conclusions like he did, obviously is going to have a mental barrier deterring him from enjoying anything i might care to recommend. so the result would be him saying "this is also shit. the genre sucks". So until he reforms, im not going to waste my time.

It may be easier to throw my martini at him if his pants were on fire, but it could actually make it worse couldnt it? Id rather take a bit more time and let him figure out where the fire extinguisher is.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yea, but then you obviously havent been paying much attention to what i do here have you? i dont take the easy way out, i take the controversial one. but thats usually the thoughtful one as well isnt it?

my point is he needs to broaden his horizons a bit. someone who jumps to such large conclusions like he did, obviously is going to have a mental barrier deterring him from enjoying anything i might care to recommend. so the result would be him saying "this is also shit. the genre sucks". So until he reforms, im not going to waste my time.

It may be easier to throw my martini at him if his pants were on fire, but it could actually make it worse couldnt it? Id rather take a bit more time and let him figure out where the fire extinguisher is.

I see your point but I don't see why others (including myself) have to miss out on some quality recomendations just because coolblow is a dipshit...
Benighted1 said:
I see your point but I don't see why others (including myself) have to miss out on some quality recomendations just because coolblow is a dipshit...

youre not missing out. its not like indie is all that obscure of a genre. most the greatest acts, are fairly well known. chances are you are probably already aware of them.
Benighted1 said:
:lol: I remember the time he tried to tell us that Sabbath weren't the pioneers of metal, so I would take things he says with a grain of salt tbqh

Wow, you're stupid, that's not what I was saying. The essence of my argument was that the threshold for what is considered heavy changes with time. I did not say that they were not innovative and created the premise under which the genre operates today, which they did. And if you actually read what I wrote, instead of going "OMGZ n00b dnot he nkow Sabbath is teh M37ALZZZZ!!1!" you might find out that it made perfect sense. But then I guess basic comprehension is beyond you, so you have to resort to putting words in my mouth.

And NFU, once again, what do you know about my horizons? The one and only thing you know is that I don't like Yes. And when did I EVER say the genre itself sucks? I said all the indie I'd heard was shit. That doesn't even mean I've already decided the genre's useless, it doesn't even mean I've decided I've heard a fair portion of the genre. ALL it means is that I didn't like the bit that I heard. So why would it be such a fucking tragedy to throw out a couple of names and let me be on my way the horizons you're so sure are narrow? When you want to get into a genre, you don't start by taking a random sample of 50 bands and going through their discographies, you ask someone who likes it and has a decent library of quality acts.

But never mind. The statement you just made is more than enough. Thank you for finally being useful.
coolsnow7 said:
Wow, you're stupid, that's not what I was saying. The essence of my argument was that the threshold for what is considered heavy changes with time. I did not say that they were not innovative and created the premise under which the genre operates today, which they did. And if you actually read what I wrote, instead of going "OMGZ n00b dnot he nkow Sabbath is teh M37ALZZZZ!!1!" you might find out that it made perfect sense. But then I guess basic comprehension is beyond you, so you have to resort to putting words in my mouth.

And NFU, once again, what do you know about my horizons? The one and only thing you know is that I don't like Yes. And when did I EVER say the genre itself sucks? I said all the indie I'd heard was shit. That doesn't even mean I've already decided the genre's useless, it doesn't even mean I've decided I've heard a fair portion of the genre. ALL it means is that I didn't like the bit that I heard. So why would it be such a fucking tragedy to throw out a couple of names and let me be on my way the horizons you're so sure are narrow? When you want to get into a genre, you don't start by taking a random sample of 50 bands and going through their discographies, you ask someone who likes it and has a decent library of quality acts.

But never mind. The statement you just made is more than enough. Thank you for finally being useful.

ERRRRR do I need to dredg up that old thread where every man and his dog was owning your sorry ass?
I can remember exactly what your point was but I know that it was along those lines which I stated, and I also know you were talking complete bollocks hence why everyone was owning you into the next century...
And if you paid attention to that too, you notice that they weren't, though they all tried very hard. I believe you did too in fact - and your opinion amounted to what I caricatured above.
coolsnow7 said:
And if you paid attention to that too, you notice that they weren't, though they all tried very hard. I believe you did too in fact - and your opinion amounted to what I caricatured above.

You fail everytime you try to prove someone wrong tbh. This thread being a shining example...
How so? The discussion did not culminate in anyone being right or wrong. And I haven't seen you put a coherent argument once while on this board. You mostly just throw around some hyperbole and some bullshit and pretend you said something intelligent.
coolsnow7 said:
How so? The discussion did not culminate in anyone being right or wrong. And I haven't seen you put a coherent argument once while on this board. You mostly just throw around some hyperbole and some bullshit and pretend you said something intelligent.
coolsnow7 said:
When you want to get into a genre, you don't start by taking a random sample of 50 bands and going through their discographies, you ask someone who likes it and has a decent library of quality acts...

actually...thats EXACTLY what i do. but that is why im up here, and youre down there.
coolsnow7 said:
When you want to get into a genre, you don't start by taking a random sample of 50 bands and going through their discographies, you ask someone who likes it and has a decent library of quality acts.

Massive loophole?

How would you know they were quality acts?

If you're "getting" into the genre.
Heh, well if he really wants to get into the indie genre, I'm sure he can pick up a magazine, such as "Rock Sound" or find a good website and find out about some notable new and classic bands from the indie genre. That simple.