Dragonforce Mania!!!

Vacant_Planets said:
Nah, I like it here, I like that my superior knowledge of music pisses off your semi-literate ass. :)

this wasnt even directed at me, and i know its laughable. your "music knowledge" is among the most elementary ive ever seen with someone who runs their mouth as wrecklessly as you do. i think you and metal wrath should partner up....be a couple of low self esteem metal vigilantes wearing jag panzer and thy serpent shirts going to jazz clubs telling everyone how they should listen to real music like kamelot because they know how to sing.
Vacant_Planets said:
Nah, I like it here, I like that my superior knowledge of music pisses off your semi-literate ass. :)

Well, if your musical knowledge is so 'superior', your sig certainly doesn't justify it :Smug:
NineFeetUnderground said:
this wasnt even directed at me, and i know its laughable. your "music knowledge" is among the most elementary ive ever seen with someone who runs their mouth as wrecklessly as you do. i think you and metal wrath should partner up....be a couple of low self esteem metal vigilantes wearing jag panzer and thy serpent shirts going to jazz clubs telling everyone how they should listen to real music like kamelot because they know how to sing.
wtf...are you talking about. I'm sure this guy has been listening to rock MUCH much longer than I have. And I hate Kamelot. Seriously, wtf..............................................................................................................................................DIE.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you think everything is pretentious...and fault every band with a hint of it and refuse to enjoy the positive aspects, such as YES.

so that being said, why should i waste my time? maybe some indie is a bit pretentious and possibly passionless, but certainly not all. but i forgot, you know everything right? :Smug:

but less we forget the total irony of this sentiment, that youre discussing pretention on an Opeth message board. i think im going to pee that concept has me laughing so hard.

Ok, first of all, I don't dislike Yes because they're pretentious. I dislike Yes because they're boring. Frankly, listening to a bunch of musicians (that could be fucking virtuosos on all their instruments for all I care) jamming while on a ridiculous amount of heroin simply does not interest me. And I did not decide that before I listened, but after. So stop whining, Yes is not the be all and end all of prog-rock, or taste in music for that matter.

Second of all, perhaps I need to elaborate. Pretentious, in that context, is referring to that which is unjustifiably pretentious. While thinking of Opeth, or Richard Bona, or Schoenberg, pretentious is not the first adjective that comes to mind, though it may be apt, simply because any presumptiousness inherent is justified. With all the indie music I've encountered, said attitude is completely injustified. Judging the genre based PURELY ON THE INDIE-MUSIC I'VE ENCOUNTERED, the genre sucks. I said this before.

Lastly, I think I'll pee myself laughing at the suggestion that I'm the one who thinks he knows everything.

However, my request still stands. So if you're done trying your best to pwn me, it would take all of 7 seconds of your time to throw 3 band names at me and be done with this.
to name 3 bands would mean i have to do the following:

1. acknowledge and respect your opinion after such hilarious statements such as the above in order to:
2. recommend bands im almost certain you wont like anyway, only to open this up for more pointless discussion and also for more illogical and poor taste ridden observations of said bands.

so...no. find them yourself if youre so anxious to hear bands from a genre youve already defined as pretentious and passionless in its entirety when obviously youve heard as little as just about everything else you seem to think you have your fingers on the pulse of. stop wasting everyone's time with your obviously uneducated, warped and frankly elementary belligerent close mindedness.
lol, entertaining thread.

I just listened to some dragonforce for the first time...i avoided it before due to learning what style they are. I have to say its fuggin dreadful. The keyboards are laughable. They also sound like Helloween wannabees.
NineFeetUnderground said:
to name 3 bands would mean i have to do the following:

1. acknowledge and respect your opinion after such hilarious statements such as the above in order to:
2. recommend bands im almost certain you wont like anyway, only to open this up for more pointless discussion and also for more illogical and poor taste ridden observations of said bands.

so...no. find them yourself if youre so anxious to hear bands from a genre youve already defined as pretentious and passionless in its entirety when obviously youve heard as little as just about everything else you seem to think you have your fingers on the pulse of. stop wasting everyone's time with your obviously uneducated, warped and frankly elementary belligerent close mindedness.

See, usually you'd give a reason for why some statements are hilarious. I see this time you've got nothing?

And since when did I decide I know everything about everything? I never defined indie, each time I described my experiences with bands of the genre. And I certainly never suggested that I have my fingers on the pulse of anything. And lastly, I haven't said very much about my taste in anything for you to know what I like, let alone whether I'm belligerently closeminded. And how have I been belligerent at all? But then, you get more bitchy and less light-hearted when you're wrong.
how could i even be wrong? this is observation vs. observation here. the point is i dont have the time to hold you kids by the hand anymore. do your own searching...i just have my reservations to your ability to step outside that small box youre obviously locked in.
NineFeetUnderground said:
how could i even be wrong? this is observation vs. observation here. the point is i dont have the time to hold you kids by the hand anymore. do your own searching...i just have my reservations to your ability to step outside that small box youre obviously locked in.

You know, I don't care about this particular genre too much anymore. But what are you saying? What time? Once more, it would take you approximately 7 seconds to think of 3 bands and type the names out. I cannot possibly imagine why you're so reluctant to do that, but that you have nothing to recommend. And it's not like you'd be losing anything more than those 7 seconds. Why should you care so much whether I take that recommendation and decide that it sucks?

And, if you're curious, I'm not talking about said observation. I'm talking about everything else.

What box? All you know about me is that I dislike Yes and like the Onyx Club Sextet.