Dream Theater anyone?


It seemed like a good idea to bring this thread back from the dead, that way me and metallica144 can stop taking over other threads. :lol:
hello, my friend :lol:

listening to honour thy father right now,

Never in my life have I seen someone
So fucking blind to the damage he has done
Youre the rotted root in the family tree

awesome :lol:!
hello, my friend :lol:

listening to honour thy father right now,

Never in my life have I seen someone
So fucking blind to the damage he has done
Youre the rotted root in the family tree

awesome :lol:!

The drum solo intro makes my face go >.<
:lol: Great song.

Glad to see you're enjoying them too MSD, Images and Words gets better after each and every song.
still, my favourite song is the dark endless night.
that's the only song i listen because i know it's cool and i know how the song goes.
sounds weird :lol: but when i see the tracklist of Awake i don't know which song i should listen. the songs are so damn long :lol: i don't remember some songs at all from that album :lol: i only know space-dye vest and the mirror.

but that's also my problem with checking Dream Theater out. the songs are too long and too complex to understand immediately
I know that Erotomania is a pretty interesting listen. At least the first half. The only reason I know it is because it's the most difficult song I can play On Bass:lol:
Some jackass on a shitty tv show on a channel that should be taken down? :lol:

Yes, I do agree that some.... Well MOST DT songs are too long to understand at first, but that's part of their charm. :p

Listen to Voices from Awake, fucking insane guitar solo.
I think we're fine on the technical level:lol: The song writing that Portnoy contributed with won't be matched by this guy though.

Although he's still a great drummer, and I'm sure he can write good music, everyone has got their own style of writing songs.
I think I'd have to agree. I guess we'll find out when the new album comes out.

The whole "Watch the auditions of the new drummers we chose from a few months ago" video series was a load of bullshit though. Maybe that's just me being bitter that Portnoy got the boot, but whatever.
So I see! I watched that video again and was blown away by it even more than the first time.

The whole situation with their drummer status has me disappointed (that Portnoy left) yet hopeful for the future (because Mangini seems badass :lol: ).
Same. :D

I tried learning some Dream Theater on guitar a little bit ago, but I just suck too much to play even the easiest songs. :lol: :erk:

i think that Surrounded is pretty easy for Dream Theater standards.
In The Name Of God is also pretty easy but you have to tune your guitar very low for that one.