Dream Theater anyone?

Haha, that was my bad. It was Endless Sacrifice. :p

I hope you do get to see more Images and Words songs though, especially Learning to Live. That song needs to be played every night. No matter what.
Aaaaaaawwwwww yeeeeeeaaaaah! :D

They better not play Learning to Live at your show. I'll be pissed if they do. :lol: Hopefully you get to have the cool piano ballad section like I got when I saw them. Wait for Sleep and Far From Heaven? YES.



I revived this thread because i want to recommand you an awesome band i've found :D


i also saw that they will tour America again. Are you going to one of those shows?
Not bad..... Only listened to the first six minutes though. I'll have to do some further research on them at some point.

I've been addicted to Dream Theater's piano songs lately though. Vacant, Wait for Sleep, Far from Heaven..... Especially Far from Heaven.