Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

was meant in the less serious sense of the phrase

does seem rather odd to be unhappy with progressive and come to the SX forum to voice that, though. But like someone said on the last page its all personal taste. I enjoy enough varity of music I dont feel the need to slag any of the styles that have integrity.
But Ken I think thats a personal thing, theres stuff you just dont like, like me and my death voice noise thing
I had something not nice to say, but it seems Dream Theater threads always manage to bring out the worst in us...

What I will say, is they're still one of my all time favourite bands, although their last few albums have been not quite as good imo, I can still find parts which I really like, and even FII which is probably my least favourite of their albums, has a few of my favourite tracks in 'Trial Of Tears' and 'Hell's Kitchen/Lines In The Sand', so I'll be buying it regardless and I'm confident I'll find some positives even if not as good as SFAM or Awake or whatever. But hopefully it will be and that will be even better. :)
The older i get, the less i give a shit about the labels to music, all it does is create snobery, pretentiousness, and hypocrisy, probably what you'd find in alot of prog forums. to me its good music, bad music, or a mixture of the two. I think it could have potential though.
The older i get, the less i give a shit about the labels to music, all it does is create snobery, pretentiousness, and hypocrisy, probably what you'd find in alot of prog forums. to me its good music, bad music, or a mixture of the two. I think it could have potential though.

woah dude ur so mature :kickass:
To be honest, I liked them best with Derek, but I'm biased ;).

Octavarium and SC were both very disappointing albums. I haven't lost hope though - I'll give this album a fair go just like I gave the last two a fair go.

And the Score DVD actually seemed to do the newer albums some justice, I do enjoy watching it. Seeing Metropolis played with an Orchestra nearly made me cry ;).
What, don't you like listening to people who actually have talent and know of volume levels other than MAXIMUM 10+++

metal bands playing with orchestras is cliché and stupid. didn't give metallica talent, sure as hell won't give it to dream theater
There are two kinds:
1. Songs re-arranged with orchestra added. This, I agree with Postulate. It's rehash and vapid.
2. Songs which include orchestra as essential to the original recording. These can go either way.