Dream Theater has.....Queensryche has outsold Dream Theater.
What is success based on? I could wager that possibly Alchemist has sold many albums solely in Australia before embarking on a worldwide distribution deal. They also run a metal festival that has run across Australia for many years.
Yet you don't know about them.
Not just yet you don't.
- Released 8 albums (excluding A Change of Seasons)
- Released 5 Live Albums
- Filmed 2 Live shows in Tokyo
- Filmed a sold out concert in New York City, at which the played with an orchestra, and they had people coming from everywhere from Argentina to Russia to see them.
- Toured Japan many many times
- Toured North America many many times
- Toured Eeurope many many times
- Co-Headlined the first Gigantour
- Have musicians that have endorsers begging them to represent their companies
- Given people like me a reason to