Dream Theater


I can hear the thrash influence in their music, I just think that, like most things they imitate, it just sounds like a shallow rehash of the real thing. Also, I would hardly call DT non-commercial - even if they don't get radio play, they pretty obviously try to sound catchy and accessible on a regular basis, especially when you factor in all the sappy ballads they've done. I don't see how one couldn't find most of their work either a phony attempt at mainstream appeal or just an inferior remake of Images and Words.
hmm, I cant see them as shallow if anything just applying their take or twist on things. They are highly refined musicians so maybe this removes or smooths out many of the raw edges. Sappy balades I dont see that way either, only as part of what ever mood they are expressing at the time. I also dont view catchy or accessible as anything necessarily "intentional", with their age and thus various influences at a young age and further over thier life it stands to reason to me that they would naturally produce melodic catchyness and that it would be more intentional if they worked to aviod it... which is exactly what some forms of metal do. If mankind were brootal all the time there would be war in every town on the face of the earth. If your brootal at work and perhaps blue collar your probably a very desireable and productive worker, bring that home at the end of the day and try it around the family and the wife and kids are gonna be gone. Bottom line we all got a tad of pussy working, the gentle and passionate side, some metal intentionally attempts to deny it, other musicians recogonize it and dont try to hide it. Thats my take anyhow.

I used to think they were rehashing I&W but also contemplated where they left any room for expansion with that album given the vast ground it covered. Now today I feel they simple trip out on their music and have expanded it as much as possible. If I follow the trip with them I still find that their softness follows that mood of life they are conveying and when they change to anything else it also follows the mood of whatever the various termoils of life. Even their intrumental "tangents" that get wacked for "wankery", to me are continously "painting" in the same fashion of the classics, building you up, letting you down, dancing with joy and rageing with frustration.

But Im an old proghead and they "hit me like a two ton heavy thing" {quoted from Empire} so perhaps Im bias and read and hear more into it than there actually is. But then why would I have always been a proghead if I didnt like to trip out ?