Dreamlord's Signature

haha, Jay and Demonspell, how long did each of you say it would be before someone said something about the signature?
That quote is actually pretty accurate these days. Maybe not so 100 years ago, but nowadays...definitely. You're even considered racist if you are proud to be white. It is pretty ridiculous, especially when other races can have TV stations, magazines, specifically dedicated to them but if there was the same application for whites, there would be an uproar. Hell, with all of these special treatment, government funded programs for every minority in the book, it is no wonder why caucasian people nowadays go out of there way to not be considered "white." We are a dying race indeed and its all due to this backward ass PC garbage from up top.

I am done ranting...and no I am not racist. :)
BloodStainedWalls said:
It is pretty ridiculous, especially when other races can have TV stations, magazines, specifically dedicated to them but if there was the same application for whites, there would be an uproar.
If I may play devil's advocate, it would seem that it's pretty much a given that most all TV stations, magazines, etc. are white. If someone called their tv station a 'white network,' I would question the motive simply because it's understood that most any network is already that. I think it's inherit with having a racial majority and minority. If the minority doesn't get to have a specialized product, they will get swallowed up by the majority. I think it would be exactly the same if the shoe was on the other foot. Bottom line, BET doesn't bother me in the least.
BET doesn't bother me either, but every other network isn't "white". They just happen to run by whites . . . the majority race in the US. TV stations are not aimed at whites the same way BET is aimed at blacks. There is a difference as far as I'm concerned. But I understand your devil's advocate stance. I just get tired of that being the excuse for every race when they want something given to them.
BloodStainedWalls said:
That quote is actually pretty accurate these days. Maybe not so 100 years ago, but nowadays...definitely. You're even considered racist if you are proud to be white. It is pretty ridiculous, especially when other races can have TV stations, magazines, specifically dedicated to them but if there was the same application for whites, there would be an uproar. Hell, with all of these special treatment, government funded programs for every minority in the book, it is no wonder why caucasian people nowadays go out of there way to not be considered "white." We are a dying race indeed and its all due to this backward ass PC garbage from up top.
Being pro-white DOES NOT equal being anti-colored. All of the PC suck ups and civil rights groups and activists would have you believe it does, but I guess it's their constitutional right to be wrong.