Life of Pi


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I finished reading this book today. It's probably one of the greatest, most thought-provoking books I've ever read. My mother recommended it to me, and as soon as I got off the plane this morning on my way into work, I called her to quickly discuss it.

Has anyone else read it yet? Interestingly enough, M Night Shyamalan has bought the rights to make this into a movie, and it's planned to be released this year. Much of it is set in Pondicherry, India which is the town where he was born.
Yeah I remember you bringing this up awhile ago and I was intrigued. Sounded like a lot of fun, and something I would enjoy. I'll remain vague too, so Erik will be forced to travel to :loco:

Right now I'm too busy reading more Burroughs and having my brain melt. OH! I have a Borders gift certificate! Okay sold. Yay.
Here is the excerpt from the back of the book (why re-invent the wheel):

"Pi Patel, a God-loving boy and the son of a zookeeper, has a fervent love of stories and practices not only his native Hinduism, but also Christianity and Islam. When Pi is sixteen, his family and their zoo animals emigrate from India to Canada aboard a Japanese cargo ship. Alas, the ship sinks - and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi. Can Pi and the tiger find their way to land? Can Pi's fear, knowledge, and cunning keep him alive until they do?"
fucking awesome ... sounds like something rooted in Buddhism
will check this out!
JayKeeley have you read The Alchemist or Siddhartha? These books seem similar, but I'll know better after reading Life of Pi. The whole Buddhist thing and all.
My mum told me about The Alchemist this morning, when I called her up to talk about Life of Pi. She said I should read that next, but actually, I have The DaVinci Code still waiting to be read. I wasn't so sure about wanting to read TDC, but then this christian Korean guy down here told me that xtians regard it as "close to heresy". I was unaware of this, but nevertheless, it just makes me want to read it more.

@lurch - I'm not sure about Shyamlan's birthplace, but I checked the web this morning to find updates on the movie version of "Life of Pi" and they all mentioned Pondicherry being his hometown. I think that's also why he fought tooth and nail to get this project.
Yeah read the Alchemist, it's really short and simple but a lot of fun. It's been years and years since I've read it and I still think back to it regularly. Siddhartha is the same way, but I just read that last year so the long term effects haven't had time to ferment just yet.

I got the Da Vinci Code for my mom a few weeks ago, she told me she doesn't want me reading it because I'll get even more pissed at the Vatican.

me: "oh come on, if I haven't sent the Pope mailbombs by now there's little chance I ever will."
her: "...I'm only 30 pages into the book and I think you might."

JayKeeley said:
My mum told me about The Alchemist this morning, when I called her up to talk about Life of Pi. She said I should read that next, but actually, I have The DaVinci Code still waiting to be read. I wasn't so sure about wanting to read TDC, but then this christian Korean guy down here told me that xtians regard it as "close to heresy". I was unaware of this, but nevertheless, it just makes me want to read it more.

@lurch - I'm not sure about Shyamlan's birthplace, but I checked the web this morning to find updates on the movie version of "Life of Pi" and they all mentioned Pondicherry being his hometown. I think that's also why he fought tooth and nail to get this project.
Looks like you might be right ...

I don't know where I got the Bangalore idea? !?!?

So if he gets to make it, looks like he will leave Pennsylvania for the first time and do some shooting in India.
lurch70 said:
So if he gets to make it, looks like he will leave Pennsylvania for the first time and do some shooting in India.
Apparently, his first movie was shot in India, "Praying with Anger". This was from his pre-Sixth Sense days. (I've never even heard of it).

I think I read somewhere that "Life of Pi" will have some scenes filmed in Philadelphia, but I really don't know how he's going to work that into the story since it's not in the book....but I guess Philadelphia (and making cameo appearances) is his trademark thing.

"Life of Pi", however, will be the first time Shyamalan works on someone else's story.
That sounds interesting, and as a matter of fact I just ordered it. I'm a bit sceptical about books like this one that's so obviously allegorical though, since I feel so stupid if I don't get it ;)
It's really great - an easy read I might add, with lots of subtle humour - and worthy of much discussion. The author has even provided discussion points at the end of the book, as if it were intended for an English Lit. lecture.
I ordered it translated into swedish, let's hope the humour isn't lost in the translation, it can get horribly corny sometimes :|
Oh well, I'll post a little rant here when I've read it though
I thumbed through this at Barnes and Noble today (god damn early for a Costa Mesa meeting, went wandering), I'll pick it up eventually. I don't want to buy any more new books though, fuckin' paperbacks are getting way too expensive. $14 for a 130 page Kerouac book!? I mean it's worth it and all, but used books for $3 are so much more fun. :)