Concerning the movie Pi and Kaballah


Jun 2, 2002
About a year ago I watched the movie Pi, but I found it very confusing(seemingly this was just a way to make the viewer understand that these numers in Pi are comfusing) , but still interesting with all these philosophic questions.

Anyway, I find it idiotic to focus so positively on the jewish religion and Kabalah, because Kabbalah has "stolen" many of the thoughts from Greek mathematics and Egyptics, but unfortunatly many of these pieces is lost because of time and disintegrated souls so it's sad to see that they mix up these philosophy with religion.

But it's pretty funny to read what jewish extremists write when they believe that when they've solved the number-string in Torrah, they will get control over stockmarkets and the world and we will be their sheep because they are the chosen one...hehe

Well religion and science is dangerous, let's hope they don't solve these string-code sent by "God" to them.. :)

I would like to hear what other ones who participate in this Vintersorg forum mean about the movie Pi...
i saw the movie and i liked it but i found it a bit confusing... maybe because i know nothing about mathematics or kabalah.. :oops:
i can't say it bothers me that jewish people always rub in everyone's face that they're the chosen folks 'cause i don't care much about what god does or doesn't ;)
I think the Kabalah is amazing.It's very complicated but once you understand it it makes a lot of sense.I don't understand it but I know some people who do.
as for the movie,I only saw a little piece of it and it was good,have been trying to get the dvd
For me personally the acting are one of the best thing with the movie........just pure art...I mean just think of Bruce Willis ..etc in the lead character..hahahahahahahahahaha...Sean is just perfect.
Originally posted by Rune Fairy
Having studied in the field, I find it hard to watch most indie/low budget films though... I always see where it could have been improved. (I guess that's one draw back?) haha

Yeah, just like musicians hear flaws on records that I can
only dream of ever hearing! "Oh, that solo is done so
easily, and shit, listen to the poor bass sound in the back
there... That part right there is technically really bad."
And I go "....uhm... but I like it?" hehehe... >:eek:)

"Studied in the field" as in studied making films, or
working with a film? :eek:)
I studied in TV broadcasting and video production, but we did touch a 'bit' on audio. I worked on 1 film...(more of a documentary though...underwater stuff lol). I find it ruined movies for me. Seriously...I pick out every little detail. I hardly watch films without picking it apart. lol

I'm quite annoying that way I suppose.
i've just seen a movie that is supposed to have inspired the directors or "pi" : Tetsuho (the iron man) this is probably the most strange and the most disgusting film i have ever seen.... damn that was just crazy
Being Jewish... I never think about that.
Is that something "important" in the states?
I dunno, I only get reminded of it watching
American films/tv-shows...

Ops, that made me seem like I'm Jewish!
hehe... Cool >:eek:)
yeah, you had me thinking that you were Jewish there BS.

Anyway, being jewish isn't really important here, no more so than being any other religion... it's a personal thing. And then there's to aspects of that, even. There's Judiasm as a religion, that's pretty straightforward. But there's also Zionism to varying degrees. Just the belief in the necessity of a Jewish state.

For my family, the latter is more important than the former. I am not too religious, in terms of going to temple, but I do try to maintain a certain amout of spirituality. It is difficult when you want to be partying most Fridays rather than going to Sabbath services.