Life of Pi

JayKeeley said:
How do you get to the islands? You guys take the cruise?
No... I flew. I had avoided flying until I was 31. Now I fly about 3 times a year. However, to date, my longest flight was the flight I took in December to Vegas. It doesn't freak me out as much any more, though I still hate takeoff.

i have to pick it up again also ... lost interest 1/3 way through ... still in the back of my mind though. will do my best.
The bit where he describes the zoo does go on and on, and I suppose his interests in the three religions is a bit drawn out, but the book *really* picks up later on, and quite brilliantly, all the previous narrative on the zoology and religous studies starts to tie itself together, like religion + science. And then something very interesting starts to happen..... :heh:

Just trust me guys, it's worth it. EVen if you do have the attention span of a goldfish. :loco:
spaffe said:
Hm, I finished it over a month ago but forgot to bump this thread, I'll post something tomorrow when I'm not so tired

Just don't give away any significant plot points!!

It might be better to hold your thoughts (like I'm doing) until the others have finished the book! :)
Ok, I am on the ocean right now.
Having a hard time understanding why the whole family packed up and left India with the animals and all.
Seems they had it made there, and the only explanation given was to look for a better life.
I am having a problem with the way this book is written, ... it's a little dry on character development.
i don't remember any political upheaval. :erk:

i always read before going to sleep, and that usually happens fast.
Remember the elections? And they didn't agree with who won, and thought that India was going down the tubes, so they decided to make a better life for themselves in Canada...?

Re: "character development" - dude, I'm not sure if I've read a book that develops a character like "Pi" more eloquently. What an elaborate protagonist - son of a zoo keeper, yearning to study the science of zoology, hindu fascinated with christianity and islam, keeper of tiger, hyena, zebra, and orang utan, adrift in the middle of the pacific.......just watch how the book develops and how he learns to throw all those attributes together.
yeah, the book is starting to be more cohesive already with his arrival on the island but I cannot still picture this main character, he does not "appear" in my mind ... I don't know if that makes sense ??!?!?
Yeah, maybe it's because you took a break and the whole sequence kinds just fell apart on you.

Anyway, that island is FUCKED UP!!! That will warrant many a discussion, let me tell you....
Is that right???? Wow, he fought tooth and nail to acquire the rights for this one. I guess because it's not 'spooky', it's not his forte. I'm sure he'd adapt it to the screenplay very well, nevertheless.