Dreamlord's Signature

Dreamlord said:
Being pro-white DOES NOT equal being anti-colored. All of the PC suck ups and civil rights groups and activists would have you believe it does, but I guess it's their constitutional right to be wrong.
Why be pro- any race? What the fuck is the difference? What does being pro-white accomplish for you and the bettering of the human race?
Papa Josh said:
Why be pro- any race?
Excellent question! We should all be pro-humanity, or pro-mankind. Unfortunately it does not seem to be like that.

Your question could be posed to many people, and I would love to hear the answers. But me, not being a master of saying/writing what I'm thinking, would not be the person to ask.

Although, I can speculate as to what would be said by others. Probably something along the lines of "preserving the <insert race here> culture, way of life, etc. And seeing that our people succeed and are not discriminated against, etc, etc, etc, blah blah blah"

JayKeeley said:
Erik, do you feel angst in knowing that I stole one of your white women?
Best comedy line in the history of the genre:

"Where all the white women at!?"
--Sheriff Bart, Blazing Saddles
The best! :lol:

"Anyone move, and the my pals gets it".
--as the black Sheriff Bart aims his pistol at his own head, and all the white people gasp and back off
Yep. The media and society are always quick to pull the race card and set up all these programs to help out minorities i.e. affirmative action, etc. The special programs are outdated nowadays and arent needed like they used to be 40 years ago. Everyone preaches for integration, unity, and one homogenous melting pot, but ironically all these programs are actually segregating races/cultures in and of themselves. Makes ya think.
I actually like BET because it takes all those shitty shows and conveniently places them on one channel I never have to flip to. Wait, there's still WB, nevermind.

As for the quote, I'm gonna have to agree with it to a degree. I don't think there should be "white pride", but I don't think anyone should have pride is his ethnicity. I'm curious if other countries have the same backwards thinking as most Americans; do people in other countries get preferential treatment just based on their race?

I think the saddest example I heard of was in Canada. There was a man from India who was a part of the RCMP (the Mounties) and he wore his turbin instead of the hat that was part of the required uniform. Anyway, he claimed racial prejudice and actually won. Nevermind that the dress code was required by the job.
jimbobhickville said:
I actually like BET because it takes all those shitty shows and conveniently places them on one channel I never have to flip to. Wait, there's still WB, nevermind.
UPN caters to an African American audience. I don't have a problem with BET, except for the name. If someone wanted to start a channel and called it White Entertainment Television, oh my Lord, Jeese Jackson would be fuming. Anyone see the hypocrisy?

That being said, I love that show with Holly Robinson Peete. I forget the name, but she's married to some fat black guy in it. I think it's hilarious. THere's also some other black show with the guy that played McDowell in Coming to America as a mean dad. That show cracks me up.

I'm glad someone finally started up a "Guy Channel". It's called Spike TV. It shows nothing but action movies, wrestling, hot chicks, etc. I'm sure N.O.W. and the other broomhilldas will protest it, even though they have Lifetime and something else that is totally dedicated to women. Oh, I forgot, men ave ESPN. :rolleyes:

As for the quote, I'm gonna have to agree with it to a degree. I don't think there should be "white pride", but I don't think anyone should have pride is his ethnicity. I'm curious if other countries have the same backwards thinking as most Americans; do people in other countries get preferential treatment just based on their race?
I'm certain they do, as many European countries are modeled after the US. And Britian is almost a carbon copy.

France just past a law that forbids people from wearing "religious" clothing in public, which means Jews can't wear those little hats, Muslim women can't wear the face-covers or whatever, etc.
jimbobhickville said:
I'm curious if other countries have the same backwards thinking as most Americans; do people in other countries get preferential treatment just based on their race?
Certainly not in the same way as the US where most preferrential treatment is aimed towards African Americans through some form of payback for hundreds of years of oppression. Black people in Britain may face discrimination, and of course they do, but they can never play the slavery card like black people can in the USA.

I think the saddest example I heard of was in Canada. There was a man from India who was a part of the RCMP (the Mounties) and he wore his turbin instead of the hat that was part of the required uniform. Anyway, he claimed racial prejudice and actually won. Nevermind that the dress code was required by the job.
I happen to think that it was a disgrace for him to even have to take it to the courts. How is a turban going to detract from his job duty? What the fuck is a mounties hat going to offer, other than uphold the tradition of the uniform? And besides, they KNEW he was a Sikh when they gave him the job. It's not like he suddenly converted and decided to wear religious headgear. It wasn't until well afterwards that they brought up an issue with his turban.
Dreamlord said:
UPN caters to an African American audience. I don't have a problem with BET, except for the name. If someone wanted to start a channel and called it White Entertainment Television, oh my Lord, Jeese Jackson would be fuming. Anyone see the hypocrisy?
Not really because most people don't need to have it spelled out to them. You don't have to label CBS or NBC as being "white" just because we already know they are. Here's a way to make your life simpler: for all the channels that are considered black, latino, chinese etc, take ALL the remaining channels and assume that they are white. There, done.

I'm certain they do, as many European countries are modeled after the US. And Britian is almost a carbon copy.
Only in it's politics, not in its culture. European countries may be leaning more and more so towards consumer market driven lifestyles, but you'll never lose those thousands of years of culture. I can imagine this being more of an issue in Europe in fact than it is in the US, where the country was never "white" to begin with.

I mean, do people actually consider America to be a white country? I never did. That's certainly not how it's taught anyway. It wouldn't phase me in the slightest if, within 20 years, there are more Spanish speaking people than there are English. What's the big deal with it?

France just past a law that forbids people from wearing "religious" clothing in public, which means Jews can wear those little hats, Muslim women can't wear the face-covers or whatever, etc.
Is that right? I just can't imagine that taking effect in reality. These aren't fashions you're talking about, but religous attachements. A Bhuddist monk isn't suddenly going to grow his hair out just because some fucker in the French government doesn't like it. Where did you read this btw?
JayKeeley said:
Not really because most people don't need to have it spelled out to them. You don't have to label CBS or NBC as being "white" just because we already know they are. Here's a way to make your life simpler: for all the channels that are considered black, latino, chinese etc, take ALL the remaining channels and assume that they are white. There, done.
Therein lies the problem. I don't see CBS or NBC or ABC as "white", and I most certainly don't assume, because it's simply not true. Why should I? They all have shows that cater to people of all races, which is the way it should be.

I'm not a believer in the ol' "<insert race here> should have their own <insert TV station, scholarship, etc here> because whites own everything" addage. That's just B.S. Other than a house and car, I don't own shit. And to be perfectly frank, I don't even own them, as I'm still paying for them.

I mean, do people actually consider America to be a white country? I never did. That's certainly not how it's taught anyway. It wouldn't phase me in the slightest if, within 20 years, there are more Spanish speaking people than there are English. What's the big deal with it?
I love the Spanish language. I took 4 semesters of it, although I don't remember shit.

But I wonder if and when there are more Spanish speaking people in the US, will Americans still assume "whites own everything"?

Is that right? I just can't imagine that taking effect in reality. These aren't fashions you're talking about, but religous attachements. A Bhuddist monk isn't suddenly going to grow his hair out just because some fucker in the French government doesn't like it. Where did you read this btw?
Dreamlord said:
Therein lies the problem. I don't see CBS or NBC or ABC as "white", and I most certainly don't assume, because it's simply not true. Why should I? They all have shows that cater to people of all races, which is the way it should be.
Man, I absolutely assume CBS, ABC, and NBC are white. Just as much as I do FOX. But why should all channels cater to all races? It shouldn't bother anyone because there are three million cable channels to choose from. America is the land of abundance. You're really that concerned that Chinese people might get their own channel that is broadcast only in Mandarin or Cantonese? Who cares? Let them have it. In the same way, it doesn't bother me that CMT only broadcasts Country music, or the Disney Channel only broadcasts Disney cartoons. How is anyone gaining or losing out with TV specialization?

I'm not a believer in the ol' "<insert race here> should have their own <insert TV station, scholarship, etc here> because whites own everything" addage. That's just B.S. Other than a house and car, I don't own shit. And to be perfectly frank, I don't even own them, as I'm still paying for them.
Who said "whites own everything"? I don't see anybody owning anything, other than the select few Beverly Hills types that are rich beyond our wildest dreams. I have no idea what their skin color or ethnicity might be, however, but I'm pretty sure they 'aint Mexican.

But I wonder if and when there are more Spanish speaking people in the US, will Americans still assume "whites own everything"?
Which Americans assume this? Is this a Texas thing? And how would the majority spoken language reflect the reality of who owns what? English will always be spoken as a primary language in business, media, and politics because that's what's been decided on a global scale. It's got nothing to do with white people owning everything, and never has.


Dude, that is a proposal, not a legislation. And it only affects schools. I thought this was an actual new law or something. There are three thousand new proposals that go through the Houses of Parliament every week - that's what politicians do when they're not on campaigns. Even if it were to pass, and it wouldn't surprise me considering the French are the most right wing government in Europe, I can't imagine 5 millions muslims, or 10 millions jews happily playing along. There is just no way that they're going to sit back and say, 'ok then Jacques, whatever you say dude'.
live and let live mannnnnnnnnn, i don't care what anyone does as long it doesn't fuck up my life. and as a side note, i'm SO glad there's no NOW PLAYING thread here, waste of a post if you ask me.. but noone did so blah. yes i'm bored and need something to do while waiting for the next episode of GunGrave to d/l :dopey:
JayKeeley said:
Man, I absolutely assume CBS, ABC, and NBC are white. Just as much as I do FOX. But why should all channels cater to all races? It shouldn't bother anyone because there are three million cable channels to choose from. America is the land of abundance. You're really that concerned that Chinese people might get their own channel that is broadcast only in Mandarin or Cantonese? Who cares? Let them have it. In the same way, it doesn't bother me that CMT only broadcasts Country music, or the Disney Channel only broadcasts Disney cartoons. How is anyone gaining or losing out with TV specialization?
I just don't assume the same things, then.

Who said "whites own everything"? I don't see anybody owning anything, other than the select few Beverly Hills types that are rich beyond our wildest dreams. I have no idea what their skin color or ethnicity might be, however, but I'm pretty sure they 'aint Mexican.
The "whites own everything" angle is widely used to justify minority-only channels, scholarships, etc...

I'm sure there are some rich exican actors/actresses or singers in Beverly Hills.

We've been through all this beofre and no one's mind has changed. SO I'll let you get in your final say, and then I'm done with this thread.