Drop G Oceano type mix

No lie, it's music like this that makes me want to stick a bullet in my head, let alone use any of the forums except off topic tavern
No lie, it's music like this that makes me want to stick a bullet in my head, let alone use any of the forums except off topic tavern

...Sorry, Gareth, had to do it. :P
What band is that and do they have a myspace? What pod settings did you use cause it's pretty good?
The is a local from PA, their name is Frontlines just google it.

Guitar tone is practice.
If you can make a real amp sound good than you can make a pod sound good too.
You really just have to mess around with stuff.

I always use tube screamers on all my guitars.
The is a local from PA, their name is Frontlines just google it.

Guitar tone is practice.
If you can make a real amp sound good than you can make a pod sound good too.
You really just have to mess around with stuff.

I always use tube screamers on all my guitars.

its not quite as simple as that with a pod no matter how much you might like to say it is....

for example, i have a 5150 which i cn make sound the tits with my maxon with hardly any eq settings if im honest.

where as a pod takes everything you know about guitar eq'ing and makes you change it! or at least in my experience it does!
sounding very nice man, the song is insanely good, not digging the low vocals so much, and with your eq'ing it all sounds very top heavy. but realy like what your doing
Fuck that, you want to stop this now?
I've barely gotten warmed up.

You know what people immediately think when they hear a mix like this? That is the people who haven't been brought up on a diet of mallcore and sterile production.
The first reaction is laziness.

As well as that, the Slate samples were made purposefully to be blended for meat, not to be used on their fucking own, and come on, the exact same sample Sturgis uses? Give me a fucking break.

And as for Sturgis' work, this is all a personal opinion and all, but I'm enough of an asshole and arrogant enough to state this shit as though it were a fact, so listen closely.
Reference say... 5 of Sturgis' mixes against each other. Now reference 5 of Jens Bogren's mixes against each other. Sure, Jens has his own style, that's a given, but you will not hear him using the exact same fucking settings, the same amps and the same drum samples on a mix to mix basis, and if he does, he doesn't make it obvious.
For that reason alone, Sturgis is no mix engineer worth emulating just for his fucking work ethic. Sure he may be a rich cunt, but there's zero integrity. Or do you not give a shit about integrity and just want to make a bundle too?

And saying I'm going to start using real amps and real drums SOON is a start, but in the mean time, you could always look around for other drum samples and buy aptrigga, hell, you could even pirate it. Keep fucking schtum and nobody will bite your head off for it, not that I condone piracy or anything, but fuck it, let's be realistic.
A quick search of this forum alone will reveal enough drum samples to fuel a hundred full length albums, so much so that you could potentially never bother using slate ever again.

If you don't want to sound like a bad Sturgis rip off, there's shit you can do to avoid cunts like me coming into your topics and pissing on your campfire, fucking your girlfriend and stealing the pegs from your tent before running off into the milky twilight.
Look at amp sims, look at drum samples, there is plenty of shit you can get for free that will distinguish you from the crowd. This is the point I am making. Why pay for pod farm and slate and sound like yet another fucking sturgis clone when you can pay nothing and end up with a sound that is all your own?

Or do you just not give a shit?

edit: and dont feel so obliged to apolagise for calling me an asshole. I am one, fucking deal with it.

Just like anyone can use POD + Slate, anyone can download X30 or 8505 or SoloC, Catharsis impulses and pirate superior drummer. If anything, OP's mix is the exception when it comes to metal mixing on the net at the moment.
The is a local from PA, their name is Frontlines just google it.

Guitar tone is practice.
If you can make a real amp sound good than you can make a pod sound good too.
You really just have to mess around with stuff.

I always use tube screamers on all my guitars.

I just love that people come here get info from others on pod settings and such. Then use them and then its some kind of big secret when someone else asks about there tone.