Drugs thread

It's the only drug that has given me permanent long term side effects mentally. I'm pretty sure.
I had some sweet hash the other day made from dirty old leaf...it's incredible how much goodness you can get from the shittier plant parts.Bubble Bags are the way to go,water extraction FTW :zombie:
It's the only drug that has given me permanent long term side effects mentally. I'm pretty sure.

Those side effects would be that your entire perception of reality has been turned on its head, which is a good thing. The only thing I have to say is that one should never take more than 3 hits at once, and once you've tripped acid about a dozen times, it's time to quit. Not because of the danger (which there is some, don't get me wrong), but you really have nothing else to gain from tripping that often. Timothy Leary was completely correct about acid being a valuable psychological tool.
Has anyone here smoked Damiana leaves before or "Black Mamba"? Its legal here and it fucks you up.

My friends and I used to chop our weed with Damiana, Mugwart, Wormwood and Catnip and smoke em altogether. Effects are VERY different to just smoking pot, but awhole lot more enjoyable. Also tried to extract Thujone from Wormwood, that was...weird.

My only experience with weed cake was amazing. We made weed butter, and a friend's room mate who was a chef baked it with chocolate cake mixing. It was tasty, the effects hit after 1.5 hours of ingesting it. It was more of a body stoning effect along with my head feeling very heavy. Then the feeling of being extremely paranoid and being amused at anything and everything hit me.
To a very very low extent. It does make smoking alot more enjoyable by making it a little more minty tasting, not like menthol cigarettes, thank god. It also makes the weed high a little more euphoric, but then again that might be the damiana.
I'm still smoking High Potency Damiana. This stuff is great, especially while drinking. It doesn't drag me down like good weed does sometimes, if i smoke it while drinking it actually keeps me up plus feeling REALLY high :)