Drugs thread

Shaman drugs!!!!!!!!! There's a fresh topic. What about peyote and ayahuasca?

I would love to do one of those hippy pilgrimages to the New Mexico desert or the Amazon and just trip and trip and trip for a week. I'm scared of the vomiting that ayahuasca induces though.
Ayahuasca is the shit. You mix it with seeds that have the same effect as Xanax. I really did enjoy it and had vivid trips. Although, every ones experience varies, just as with any other mind altering drug. I recommend everyone trying it at least once though.
Do you guys buy the argument that pot is a gateway drug and inevitably leads to using heavy hallucinogens, narcotics or other hard drugs?

I don't. I think the gateway to drug use in the USA is actually the D.A.R.E. program. I wouldn't know what the heck all those hard drugs were if it weren't for cops bringing a suitcase full of them to school when I was 10.
:lol: My Dad's a D.A.R.E. officer/teacher so I'm very educated in the generalities of that organization. I think it's good in that it educates people in the effects of drugs but for the most part kids will do what they want. Rarely does it really help the majority of everyone. It can help some though. I don't like the authoritarian and anti-legalization stances most D.A.R.E. people propose though. Good in theory, flawed in reality.
Ayahuasca is the shit. You mix it with seeds that have the same effect as Xanax. I really did enjoy it and had vivid trips. Although, every ones experience varies, just as with any other mind altering drug. I recommend everyone trying it at least once though.

Is the nickname "La Purga" accurate? I've heard the symptoms are the same as the OTOGERI, aka going wild out both ends.
Within 30 minutes of consuming it there is a %95 chance you will vomit. I've also heard of "the other side" but it's never happened to me. It tastes horrible though, that's the only downer to it...literally tastes like your drinking tree bark. Very bitter and if texture bothers you it will not be your friend.

Although you vomit it doesn't really bother you because after you do so your starting your journey anyways. Start out with smaller doses and work your way up over a period of time.
I live in Memphis. And you can order it and the Syrian Rue (sp?) off the internet because its %100 legal.
It obviously won't compare if you ,for instance, went to South America and had an actual tribal shaman concoct you a brew but its still an experience. I would look up directions on proportions and directions before trying to "wing it"

EDIT: http://www.bouncingbearbotanicals.com this is where I get mine. Secure, reliable, and it has the rue already in a bundle
Yeah, that makes sense. Random Note: I read an article in Maxim or FHM, from a guy who went to SOuth America and did it with a bunch of Shamans in Columbia. It's vague now, but I remember he said it was pretty much hell. Crazy stuff.
I've done everything from talk to a spiritual being to been in a thunderstorm on my couch to riding through the desert on motorcycles. Also in SA when you do it with the tribe they play weird music and blow smoke in your face so I could see how it would go bad.

Then again with psychoactive drugs any trip can turn into a bad one quickly.
Is Salvia like Jimson Weed?,over here they call it Datura,my brother whom is somewhat psychopath bikie freak has done Datura numerous times and i'm scared to try it.There is vids on youtube of kids on it at the cop shop passing an imaginary cig between themselves,seriously from what i've heard this Datura crap is some feral shit.Anyone here done it ?
So does everyone here like the fabulous jenkem?

Is Salvia like Jimson Weed?,over here they call it Datura,my brother whom is somewhat psychopath bikie freak has done Datura numerous times and i'm scared to try it.There is vids on youtube of kids on it at the cop shop passing an imaginary cig between themselves,seriously from what i've heard this Datura crap is some feral shit.Anyone here done it ?

Over here Salvia is called Salvia:


Datura is something else:
