Drugs thread

I was always under the impression that to an extent, the marijuana trade wasn't organized in the same fashion as cocaine/heroin.
The whole Pot scene in Canada is (obviously) humungous. That said, there is also a SHITLOAD of support for the legalization of it. Honestly, I sway back and forth on the topic. But I do realize that Pot is B.C's biggest export , worth an estimated $6 billion annually.
The legalization of any alucinantive drug means the totally failure of any State. The movie Idiocracy shows exactly what i'm talking about. The genre is comedy, but the essence is pretty serious.

The whole Pot scene in Canada is (obviously) humungous. That said, there is also a SHITLOAD of support for the legalization of it. Honestly, I sway back and forth on the topic. But I do realize that Pot is B.C's biggest export , worth an estimated $6 billion annually.

Is there a big drug problem over there in BC?

Over here in West Australia, marijuana is decriminalized so it's not like you'll be getting a criminal record if you've gotten caught with posession of a certain amount. This doesn't seem to lower the drug problem, and people are just as stupid enough to smoke their life away or get themselves into harder drugs.
Do you guys buy the argument that pot is a gateway drug and inevitably leads to using heavy hallucinogens, narcotics or other hard drugs?

I don't. I think the gateway to drug use in the USA is actually the D.A.R.E. program. I wouldn't know what the heck all those hard drugs were if it weren't for cops bringing a suitcase full of them to school when I was 10.
In Singapore, there's a zero tolerance drug policy. There's no education about any of the drugs. What they tell you in school was "YOU TAKE DRUGS YOU DIE YOUR LIFE'S FUCKED". When I moved to Australia, it was a little more relaxed and educators would actually talk about the effects and bring recovering junkies who would talk about their experiences. I think I felt Singapore's approach to be rather harsh, but more effective haha. I moved to Australia when I was 13.

To be fair, I smoked pot rather heavily before I ventured and tried other drugs (ecstacy, speed, ice, cocaine, shrooms, LSD, etc) at least once all before I turned 21. Some I enjoyed(the psychedelics), some I thought were overrated(the stimulants). I remember being 16 or 17 and telling my friends that I'll never touch anything else, that changed. I think smoking pot made me think I had a false sense of strength and in turn got me very interested. I don't regret it though, I've seen some of my friends fall to drugs and get caught up in dealing and I feel that I'm lucky enough to have strong willpower and to have had gone through 'just a' phase and not waste my life away.
If pot was legalized, people would also be able to (legally) grow their own pot as well. Just like people could roll their own cigarettes, they would be able to roll their own joints. Legalizing marijuana in the United States would definitely be a significant blow to drug cartels that primarily deal in marijuana. Of course it wouldn't do shit for cocaine and other drugs. I really can't imagine too many people buying pot off the street if they could purchase it legally. I mean, how many people traffic in illegal cigarettes?
Yeah, it would be like people making beer. You could buy the seeds at a store that has a license to sell the seeds, as well as sell grown weed.

Also, when it comes to it being a gateway drug, I'm kind of divided with it. I mean, I want to experiment with other shit as well.
How was LSD? I feel like I should do that before I die to complete my "comprehensive understanding of the 1970s" skills training.

I had zero exposure to hard drugs before I went to college. Apparently my school was a pretty big "hub" for cocaine dealing and kids from other schools in the area would come on weekends and wander around campus asking for leads on coke. There were also of course the hippies with their LSD and shrooms, a few heroin addicts, and ecstasy/speed at the campus raves.
LSD was awesome and a great lot of fun. It's good to be in good company that's not quick to judge on shit that you say or do. You'll start laughing uncontrollably for a few hours then proceed to have pretty vivid hallucinations of walls and various objects warping. Having conversations, playing music or even playing video games are great on it. Although after staring intensely at a TV screen sometime will make you feel like your face is melting. Take enough to intensify the hallucinations and a walk in a nature reserve in the day would be a perfect thing to do. If I were to ever do a narcotic again, I'd do LSD. I had so much fun on it.
Sounds lovely! Really, I just want to lock myself up in a room and listen to music and stare at things and pretend I am having some kind of incredible life-altering revelation. I think I might pee my pants if I tried to do too much.

So Episteme have you sworn off drugs entirely forever? Or are you just feeling a bit "beyond" the whole carefree experimenting thing?
Is there a big drug problem over there in BC?

Over here in West Australia, marijuana is decriminalized so it's not like you'll be getting a criminal record if you've gotten caught with posession of a certain amount. This doesn't seem to lower the drug problem, and people are just as stupid enough to smoke their life away or get themselves into harder drugs.

ACtually, yes, there is a humungous Drug problem here. Just last year, there was a humungous drug war involving the Hell's Angels, United Soldiers, Scorpion and a bunch of Mexican/Columbian gangs. So many people got killed ( i.e. 1-2 every night for a while).
So yeah there is a big problem here. Coke is up everyone's nose.

But, Weed is pretty damn slack. If you get caught with 2000 plants and a Hydro bypass, your obviously gonna get shafted by the law. But small grows and public weed smoking is pretty much a whatever.
The latter. One major event that happened in my life that made me stop drugs for a certain amount of time was the fact that as soon as I turned 18 I had to go back to Singapore to do my military service, to which there was alot random drug tests and it's almost impossible to find drugs there and the consequences would be dire. My drug of choice then was drinking. Didn't help that one my best friends back in Perth consumed 5 tabs of acid and had been dosing himself with DXM HBr for a few days, decided to kill himself when I was in Singapore. That kinda put me off the idea of drugs...

When I got back to Perth, I got into an ecstacy phase to which I listened to alot of Heavy Drum & Bass and popped alot of pills and did alot of stimulants and the occasional trip here and there. At this point in time, I found that everytime I smoked pot, I didn't react the way I used to. In fact I got extremely paranoid and wouldn't enjoy smoking weed unless I was alone and locked up in my room. I got over that drug phase pretty quickly, started getting into metal heavily again, stopped playing WoW, formed my band and focused my energies into other more important stuff like studies and such.

Given the chance if psychedelics weren't so expensive, I wouldn't mind taking them again once in awhile. I still want to try a fuckload of other substances but as for now I'll stick to sipping expensive scotch and drinking beer. And music. :)
I am going to refrain from humping your leg but <3333333. Quitting drugs, quitting WoW, getting your shit together, good for you.

I've not had any one event in life make me stop using drugs. I smoked pot at Christmastime back in America and had a nice time taking "artsy" photos of snack food and that was great. I'll probably do so again from time to time, but at this point in life it's waaaay easier to not do drugs, and if I want to be employable I should probably keep my system and police record clean.

I'm a big reggae fan. One of my favorite reggae bands, Groundation, has a great song called "Music Is The Most High." And it's true. The euphoria you get from drugs and orgasms is every bit as awesome when you're seeing one of your favorite bands play live and standing in a crowd of hundreds of excited fans. That's a high totally worth chasing!
Do you guys buy the argument that pot is a gateway drug and inevitably leads to using heavy hallucinogens, narcotics or other hard drugs?

I don't. I think the gateway to drug use in the USA is actually the D.A.R.E. program. I wouldn't know what the heck all those hard drugs were if it weren't for cops bringing a suitcase full of them to school when I was 10.

I don't buy it at all either. I've smoked pot a fair few times, but haven't gone beyond that, though I have had the chance to do both acid and cocaine. I would still consider doing them once or twice, but I generally have good restraint/moderation with things and don't think it would lead to a habit. That, and I'm somewhat frugal :lol:

I'm still thinking about buying a pipe and some salvia since its legal here, I just don't know when/where I would smoke it. Can't do it at home since my gf's grandma is here 24/7, but maybe some friends would want to try. I guess I'll see.
Never smoked salvia. Interested to try, but about half the people I've spoken to who have used it said they had an awful time and thought they were going to die.
Meh, Salvia is meant to be used for shaman-like purposes. It's not recreational and those who seek a social high need look else where. Its basically for expanding your mind and having spiritual experiences.

Been clean off of most illegal drugs for about a year and a half now. I will take scrip pills though. Not abusively but every now and again.
Never smoked salvia. Interested to try, but about half the people I've spoken to who have used it said they had an awful time and thought they were going to die.

The first time I smoked it I became convinced that my friends were in a conspiracy against me and that I would have to live the remainder of my life under their tyranny. It wore off after about forty minutes.

Every time I've done it since then it's been awesome.