Drugs thread

I rarely go beyond cannabis now days. I have actually witnessed firsthand the horrible effects of Heroin on an individual and it make me believe that Heroin or anything else alike is probably one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself.

And @op: do not repeat!
just alcohol. who uses anything else is an idiot.

The only thing idiotic is your blatant display of ignorance with a stupid statement like that. :rolleyes:

OT - I've done a heap of stuff: coke, speed, ecstasy, pot, acid/LSD, liquid MDMA, crystal meth...

... but have happily left those years well behind. I barely even drink now, and stopped smoking cigarettes 2 years ago too. Lead a good healthy life these days, with the exception of my chocolate addiction :)

I think it's okay to experiment (arguably important actually), and if one goes through a phase of using the stuff and partying hard, then so be it. But know there are consequences and it's not a method of solving problems.

Have fun with it, but know when to stop and get on with a healthier life.
I've had drug problems in my past, primarily with prescription drugs and methamphetamine. I've tried pretty much everything else, and while I'm ashamed of most of it, I don't regret it at all. It was valuable life experience. I'm not "straightedge" by any means now, but I no longer consider myself a "druggie", because in my opinion, drugs are substances that are synthesized from chemicals that, by themselves, are not intended for human consumption (thus, chewing cocoa leaves is acceptable, but snorting cocaine is not). I drink, smoke weed occasionally, and on rare occasions, partake of psychedelic mushrooms. It's a hell of a lot safer, IMO, than smoking ice rocks and eating Oxycontin.
I smoked pot with a few friends the other day. It was pretty meh tbh. Definitely not going to 'expand my horizons' and get into harder things.
I abused a lot of drugs during my teens, including prescription drugs which were probably a lot worse than anything else. I limit myself to drinking these days, and I probably do that far too much.

What I've seen happen to friends of mine due to drug abuse was enough to put me off for the rest of my life.
I have a weird view on drugs as a whole

I only smoke weed, but I will admit to having a large desire to do stuff like Opium, Shrooms, Acid, DMT ect ect,but I am completely against them. I really cant verbalize my feelings towards them. For example, a very close family of ours ( and one who bought me my favorite guitar everrr, GIbson Les Paul Custom Shop) is a Heroin, alcohol and sex addict. He repeatedly goes in and out of using, and its painful to watch ( as he did when he went SOber to Japan with me, and came back the opposite. Then there's also my brother, who almost died from shooting speedballs in his arm.

I really want to experience all those drugs I listed, especially Acid and DMT, but I am extremely petrified of them ( and everything else , as I've discussed on these boards before)

I dont know, I hope it makes borderline sense.
I feel if the substance is generally the same when you ingest as it is in the natural world (like weed for example), it's pretty low risk. There's something about the high concentration of intoxicating chemicals in synthetic drugs (suchs as "pharms", herion, coke, or meth) that makes them highly addictive and easy to overdose on, and thus more dangerous. If one wishes to experiment with weed, 'shrooms, peyote, or salvia, I would not discourage it, just make sure that you are doing it in a careful, calculated, and controlled way.
None of this matters, however, when one is dependant on the substance. Addiction can happen with any highly stimulating behavior (drugs, sex, gambling, et al) and must be avoided. If one is incapable of using self-control and practicing moderation, then they should just consider being total teetotallers.
Mathiäs;8958529 said:
I smoked pot with a few friends the other day. It was pretty meh tbh. Definitely not going to 'expand my horizons' and get into harder things.
For quite a few people it doesn't do much the first or even second/third time.
I've had drug problems in my past, primarily with prescription drugs and methamphetamine.

Same here for about 5 years and spent so much money. All the money I worked my ass off for never implying it towards anything at all. I just smoke cigs and herb now when have it. Not so big on drinking anymore, but do manage to get loaded regardless not wanting too. I hooked a friend up with a dealer acouple years ago and now he's going through his girlfriend. I sometimes buy pills from him and make sure not to turn it in more than maybe a good time for 1,2 days. It's impossible for me to be 100 percent clean. oh well
I've tried them and it was fantastic, an experience I'll surely repeat. Do you guys like drugging?

Be careful...What you think now is fun and expieriementation, can very easily turn into not being an act of pleasure, but a act of neccesity when they rule your world and you loose your ability to drink/use in moderation or for "fun"...
It's impossible for me to be 100 percent clean. oh well

Its not impossible, unless you dont want to be 100% sober. :)

If an addict like myself can become sober for almost 5 years (and counting) anyone can, its FUCKING HARD, but not impossible. But then again it was either life or death, I chose life.
Only some weed for me, and that has really gotten boring. I've pretty much decided I like normal lung function better than a temporary high that just makes you paranoid anyway.

If you've never tried anything, good for you, you are making the right choice.
I drink beer, red wine and whisky on the odd occasion.

I chain smoke randomly every now and then.

I've tried weed about 4 times; pretty fun, but nothing to crap your trousers over.

But DMT is the greatest. My first experience was life-changing.