Drugs thread

I've done a lot of stuff in the past, but these days I stick to drinking, a bit of weed, the odd downer (I've had addiction problems with GHB in the past, so no more of that!) or opiate and psychedelics.

I had my fun with stims, I've used coke, mdma, mephedrone and 4-fa to varying degrees in the past, but in the end they're a shallow high and you come across a complete prick on them (not to mention the comedowns, which got worse and worse the more I did them). They're just not something I wanted to be involved with anymore. Most people I know who use / have used drugs grow out of them eventually.

Far and away the best experiences I've had have been on psychs and I'm lucky enough to have tried some fairly hard to get hold of stuff - 2c-t-2, DOC, bromo-dragonfly, 4-meo-pcp - as well as some of the more mainstream ones - mescaline, DXM, ketamine, LSD - all of them yielding amazing experiences.
There are still so many I want to try, top of the list being DPT and 4-HO-MET. I have the opportunity to get hold of them just not the funds, so one of these days....
Solvents are great. I've inhaled deodorant(Gillette, 10 years ago) from a hole i've put in a bootle and it gave a very psychadelic effect.

You can't beat the spinning sensation you get from drinking alcohol or the lowered inhibitions.

I also occasionally smoke weed for the enjoyable effect of intoxication.
done weed, salvia, various types of uppers/downers, that's about it.
used to smoke/drink all the time but rarely now. whenever i smoke weed i feel like im going to die even with one hit so i avoid that. i quit smoking cigarettes because they're fucked up and i'm pretty serious about singing. drink every so often. i wanted to do all the psychadelic stuff a while ago but i doubt i will. i would like to get my hands on some qualuudes and coke though. gotta re-live the 80's :p
I've done and had problems with Meth/Amphetamines,tried shrooms and acid but the main drug I've used over the years is weed.I'm one of these people weed does'nt aggree with,it's taken me over half of my life(i'm 33) to work it out...I'm one of these people that gets paranoid on weed and snaps at people for stupid shit,it's nearly cost me my job many times,until recently I used to smoke about ten cones at 5am in the morning before going to work.I have had two written warnings at work due to me going off at people for stupid reasons due to weed paranoia,it also nearly drove away my fiance,we've fought so many times due to my drug use,i'm lucky she's taken me back.I'll only ever smoke the odd joint very occassionally these days.
If I may niggle, you haven't really explained how the experience was "life-changing", just that it was pretty great in and of itself.
If I may niggle, you haven't really explained how the experience was "life-changing", just that it was pretty great in and of itself.
It just gave me a different outlook, and I learned to respect things more as I've seen them under 'a different condition'. It's quite hard to explain, really.
I really want to experience all those drugs I listed, especially Acid and DMT, but I am extremely petrified of them ( and everything else , as I've discussed on these boards before)

Taking Psych drugs when scared of the out come is never a good idea. Wait until you are in a calm non-fearing state before trying something that screws with your brain like acid and such.
Used to smoke weed a lot, but kinda quit when I was seeking employment in Tampa. Now I only do it once in a while.

Never tried coke or heroin, or meth or anything like that. I've smoked salvia on multiple occasions, the first of which sent me on a very bad trip in which I was convinced that my friends were in a conspiracy against me and I would have to live out the remainder of my life under their tyrannical plot. That mindset wore off after about 45 minutes (which is long for salvia; every time after that it usually only lasted 15-20 minutes or so).

I've also done whippits and balloons at a few concerts.
I really only smoke weed and drink once in a great while. I'd like to get my hands on some shrooms or acid also.

I'd rather be dealing with someone who is spacey rather then some drunk.

No bro, even living in brazil, i never used drugs in my life except alcohol, and i'm not a boring person who says to everybody what is the correct way of life, tbh i don't give a shit to whom uses drugs, but here in Brazil it supports the organized crime, as in Colombia or Bolívia, and cuz that we cant walk around in peace, we can't have a regular life, we live in fear most of the time and we can't do nothing.
^ You could say it's because your government is keeping drugs illegal that you have all those problems. :)
Well, idk about that. keeping drugs illegal is an way, correct or not, to protect the mankind of abusive use of drugs, more, i don't think brazilian people is prepared to have that kind of freedom, like in Netherland or another first world country.

BTW, i don't think americans are prepared to that too.
I think people are more than prepared for the freedom to use drugs, but most are still too paranoid and closed-minded to allow responsible adults to do what they want with their bodies.
Well, you can think like that, but the truth is even you can't make anything against yourself. You can't try to kill yourself, it's against the law, and you know why? Cuz the society shall protect itself against the total degradation of the mankind, and using drugs means it. You aren't the owner of your nose when we discuss issues inside the society. Nobody is totally free to do everything that has in mind, and that's the reason of the existence of politicians, to take care of us, members of the society, and yeah, politicians are scum, but they should think to improve the society, not themselves.
Some European countries have legalized drugs, and people can go get concentrated amounts from hospitals and whatnot. That is what should happen here.
Taking Psych drugs when scared of the out come is never a good idea. Wait until you are in a calm non-fearing state before trying something that screws with your brain like acid and such.

This would be my problem as I am taking medicines that could probably react badly with it, also my uncle was schizophrenic.
I wouldn't be able to completely stop worrying.
Sucks because I would really like to do LSD once.