
This is working pretty fine on Samplitude 10.

Another suggestion would be an option like the cache of superior drummer. I always use it.
I don't need to load allllllllll the samples, just the ones in my midi file. It could save a lot of RAM. Instead of 600mb or 1gb it could be done with 100-200mb.

We're actually looking into this right now. We're working on only loading part of the samples and then streaming the rest. We'll see where it takes us, but we've had both promising and less promising results so far.

If any of you guys have any knowledge of how the others do this, please let me know.
I've been waiting for someone to do a purpose-built drum sampler with multi-out for a long time. Kontakt is OK, but it's a bit clunky. Drumagog and Trigger don't do multi-out. Any plans to do a Pro Tools compatible version of this?

No Pro Tools version is planned at the moment.
Didn't get it to work in reaper and when I load the instrument in Cubase elements 6 it crashes the program

We've tried it in Reaper and it worked fine. Could you give me your specs? Software versions, what you did, which kit and so on? The more info you can supply, the easier it will be for us to look for the problem.
So do I understand this right? I could use this program to create my own drum sample library which would work similar to Superior or Slate Drums?
Seems it will have feature to make own kits, but how?
Will there be separate editor?

Yes, there is a quite versatile editor in the sources, and it's quite usable at the moment. The kits we have on the site, is made using the editor.

What you need to do is set up a complete recording environment with a fully mic'ed drumkit, overheads, ambience mics and so on. As many channels as you'd like. Then record each drum at different velocities ranging from very slight hits, to very hard hits. About 30 for each drum / cymbal and also the varieties you want (open hihat, closed hihat, pedal hihat and so on). Then export each drum on all channels, giving you 1 wav per channel per drum. Put them in folder called "Snare" and "Kdrum" and so on. You can call it whatever you'd like, as long as you have all the wavs for one drum in the same folder.

The editor can then load all wavs for one instrument and using a master channel (for instance the snare would use the snare top channel and so on), the editor will cut all hits of all channels into new wavs and export a wav with all the definitions of hit velocities.

A short description I know, and probably not very useful without a video tutorial. But I'll make one, I promise! :D

It is not available as a binary release for Windows at the moment. But if you run Linux, you can compile it yourself. I'm not sure if it compiles under Windows though.

I will post tutorials for using the editor at some point in the near future.
So do I understand this right? I could use this program to create my own drum sample library which would work similar to Superior or Slate Drums?

Yes, exactly. Over time we will implement more features. At the moment it aims to emulate the exact situation where a drumkit is mic'ed fully and a drummer is playing it, providing output on all channels.
in reaper its not working when you use the option to "create new vst instrument on new track". all i get is a black gui. but it IS working if i manually create a track and assign the plugin to it
in reaper its not working when you use the option to "create new vst instrument on new track". all i get is a black gui. but it IS working if i manually create a track and assign the plugin to it

Interesting. I'll take note of that, thanks.
Now i got it working via jbridge but now i just get a blank ui.

studio one 2.5 64bit.
windows 8 64bit
intel 2600k cpu
16gb corsair vengeance ram
asus rampage iv extreme-z motherboard
Yes, exactly. Over time we will implement more features. At the moment it aims to emulate the exact situation where a drumkit is mic'ed fully and a drummer is playing it, providing output on all channels.

Awesome! Do you plan on releasing an OSX version sometime in the future? What is the maximum amount of velocities that can be used per channel?
Awesome! Do you plan on releasing an OSX version sometime in the future? What is the maximum amount of velocities that can be used per channel?

You can have as many velocity levels as you want. Keep in mind that it will eat up more ram the more you make of course.

At the moment we work with velocity groups, which contain a bunch of hits in that group. For instance you can have a group using midi velocity 80-100 and then add a bunch of hits to that group. Whenever a midi notes gets played in that range, it will select randomly from those hits.

We plan on making those groups transparent, so the range is defined using the midi velocity and a virtual range around that. This will make it a lot easier to create the kits and also make it sound more fluid if you have a midi velocity sweep.

OSX version is not planned at the moment, but it is merely because none of us are mac users.
Now i got it working via jbridge but now i just get a blank ui.

studio one 2.5 64bit.
windows 8 64bit
intel 2600k cpu
16gb corsair vengeance ram
asus rampage iv extreme-z motherboard

If I get my hands on a Windows 8 64 bit setup at some point I will try this out. At the moment I am afraid I can't test it.
At the moment we work with velocity groups, which contain a bunch of hits in that group. For instance you can have a group using midi velocity 80-100 and then add a bunch of hits to that group. Whenever a midi notes gets played in that range, it will select randomly from those hits.

We plan on making those groups transparent, so the range is defined using the midi velocity and a virtual range around that. This will make it a lot easier to create the kits and also make it sound more fluid if you have a midi velocity sweep.

That's just brilliant! Reading your message will now make it hard for me to sleep at night.
Cool, im like 40km from you in Silkeborg.

If you need help of any kind, i would gladly pitch in.

Heh, I actually come from Silkeborg originally. Anyways, we're working on other features at the moment, but when it comes time to work on the vst again I'll keep you in mind, thanks!
This is just plain awesome! There is so much potential in this plugin! A DrumGizmo forum would be great...a place for people to share kits/samples. I cant wait to try my hand at building a kit, and I can't wait to see where this goes. I really hope it gets a huge following. If there is any way I could help I'd be more than happy to....even if it is just helping to spread the word.

Thx to the developers for all your efforts!
This is just plain awesome! There is so much potential in this plugin! A DrumGizmo forum would be great...a place for people to share kits/samples. I cant wait to try my hand at building a kit, and I can't wait to see where this goes. I really hope it gets a huge following. If there is any way I could help I'd be more than happy to....even if it is just helping to spread the word.

Thx to the developers for all your efforts!

Wow, thanks man, greatly appreciated! We started creating this plugin a couple of years ago mainly because all similar plugins are proprietary and Windows only. We wanted something that was open all the way to the core, and something that precisely emulates recording a real drummer with a fully mic'ed kit. DrumGizmo is exactly that.

As the plugin / software matures, we are definitely going to make some kind of drumkit exchange where people can upload kits and rate them. But for now we'll keep the site as it is until the drumkit format is final and the editor is ready for public use.

And yes, please spread the word far and wide! We'd really appreciate that. :)