Visceral, its easier than you think. Just edit the drum map xml file in each drumgizmo kit assigning your favourite "popular software" midi notes to the drumgizmo instruments and save with a different name.
In the manual of the "popular sotware" you can check the keys.
With drumgizmo you can use any "popular software" midi you have. However, some articulations are not possible, so you have to assign notes like hihat half open, open 1,2,3,4, etc... to just only open, and the same way in the rest of instruments
For example, I have created around 20-25 hihat lines like this to make it compatible with Some popular Drum software.
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/> .........
Just replace the X for correct Key and the text hihatopen for the correct name of the instrument designated in the xml file.
Every kit in drumgizmo is designated different, and has different instruments, so you have to edit the xml drum map of each kit individually. It's very easy and takes only a minutes, but be careful my friend