
This is just plain awesome! There is so much potential in this plugin! A DrumGizmo forum would be great...a place for people to share kits/samples. I cant wait to try my hand at building a kit, and I can't wait to see where this goes. I really hope it gets a huge following. If there is any way I could help I'd be more than happy to....even if it is just helping to spread the word.

Thx to the developers for all your efforts!

+1 I already see this becoming a legendary software.
Got it working on my new computer, guess the problem I had must have been hardware related.
How do I know what channel in cubase corresponds to what microphone/drum? Is there a list of that somewhere and if so how can I find it?
Wow...another great kit! Thank you so much!

I just thought of something else that would be cool...and it would be simple enough that anyone could contribute. MIDI packs. A lot of commercial software comes pre loaded with MIDI libraries and have many more available. Perhaps users could collaborate and create a MIDI library mapped for DrumGizmo. I for one would be glad to start creating some MIDI files. Heck, I own some commercial software that has some pretty good MIDI packs. If I can find a program/plugin that can re-map the MIDI notes (which I'm sure exists), I would be happy to convert the MIDI packs to correspond to DrumGizmo.

Now...anyone have any recommendations for software to re-map MIDI notes? I know that there is software that can do this, and it probably will not be difficult to find. I just want to know if there is a program or plugin that stands out from the rest....concerning ease of use, user interface, etc.

Anyways, thanks again!
Visceral, its easier than you think. Just edit the drum map xml file in each drumgizmo kit assigning your favourite "popular software" midi notes to the drumgizmo instruments and save with a different name.
In the manual of the "popular sotware" you can check the keys.

With drumgizmo you can use any "popular software" midi you have. However, some articulations are not possible, so you have to assign notes like hihat half open, open 1,2,3,4, etc... to just only open, and the same way in the rest of instruments

For example, I have created around 20-25 hihat lines like this to make it compatible with Some popular Drum software.
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/> .........

Just replace the X for correct Key and the text hihatopen for the correct name of the instrument designated in the xml file.
Every kit in drumgizmo is designated different, and has different instruments, so you have to edit the xml drum map of each kit individually. It's very easy and takes only a minutes, but be careful my friend :lol:
We just released the full DRSKit (the old one was drastically reduced in memory footprint because we needed to use it on a small laptop at a conference) including whiskers and many hit variations on cymbals and hihat. Also, version 0.9.4 is coming up soon. Check out the kit at http://www.drumgizmo.org
Hey! any chance to fix it in reaper also ?

When creating an instrument track you mean? This isn't working in Cubase either, so for now you'll have to create it the other way you mentioned earlier. That's how I use it in Cubase aswell.

We'll look into this at some point, but for now we're forcusing on getting the engine itself feature-complete.

Is it a complete showstopper for you?
Visceral, its easier than you think. Just edit the drum map xml file in each drumgizmo kit assigning your favourite "popular software" midi notes to the drumgizmo instruments and save with a different name.
In the manual of the "popular sotware" you can check the keys.

With drumgizmo you can use any "popular software" midi you have. However, some articulations are not possible, so you have to assign notes like hihat half open, open 1,2,3,4, etc... to just only open, and the same way in the rest of instruments

For example, I have created around 20-25 hihat lines like this to make it compatible with Some popular Drum software.
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/>
<map note="X" instr="HihatOpen"/> .........

Just replace the X for correct Key and the text hihatopen for the correct name of the instrument designated in the xml file.
Every kit in drumgizmo is designated different, and has different instruments, so you have to edit the xml drum map of each kit individually. It's very easy and takes only a minutes, but be careful my friend :lol:

Awesome! It just keeps getting better & better :)
DrumGizmo 0.9.6 now released! If you had problems with 0.9.5, please try this new version and let us know if your problem persists! 64bit dll now available allowing for loading of the big kits on systems with enough ram (MuldjordKit2 and some of the DRSKits).

Download it now from http://www.drumgizmo.org
Btw, you asked about the editor some time ago. We have just split it into its own project, which means it will have its own releases separate from DrumGizmo itself. We will hopefully have news about this soon-ish aswell.

Let me know how things work out for you.
Yeah, I noticed editor on your page. I already have some suggestions for future development (I think those aren't hard to do, but will vastly increase ease and quality of usage), but I'll collect them after I'll test it and make it easy to read.
I'm capable of doing tutorial on Reaper and FL Studio for usage and setting it up.
Tutorials on setup and usage would be greatly appreciated! It is in fact the thing we are most in need of at the moment.
It's just brilliant plugin! For me it sound hands down better than Superior, which is like clinic sterile (that's probably make that drum sample "room" sound weird.
I run tests on FL Studio and Reaper + made some ideas/ suggestions for plugin HERE
Thank you very much for your feedback, we really appreciate it. We've never tested it with FL so it's quite interesting for us to hear about the GUI problems you are describing. I will have a chat with deva, the main developer, about these notes. Your suggestions aswell, some of these are some we've been wanting to integrate for a while actually.

I'll get back to you.