Drummers thread


Jul 6, 2001
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Hi there all "Opethians"!

I will buy my first ever drum set tommorow and its gonna be a Mapex V with complete Zildjian cymbals :grin: dont have so much money but that set is all I need...

I really dont know wich sizes I should buy...colour is an issue too.

Im consider a standard set with 12/13/16 with bassdrum 22/14
or a fusion set with like 10/12/14 with bassdrum 20/14...

I live in a an appartment so the fusion set isnt that loud but I want it to sound heavy and metal you know :(

The colours...silver or black??? Diomond silver looks more expensive and it looks alot better on Mapex V than black does...although black is more deathy metal...or ?

Can you play Opeth or like entombed with a silver set??? It looks great but is it cool???

Need help my drummer friends! :confused:
I am a drummer.....and me personally have enjoyed the sound of big toms and bass drums over smaller kits, for metal especially. They have can have a deeper sometimes fuller sound.
As for the color...well that is all up to you:p ......Have fun with em.

P.S. you have to get a china boy (or you can not play metal:lol: )
IM no drummer or anything but watching the Death Live and Raw dvd videos 2 days ago i noticed that just over the middle of the toms Richard Christy has an splash and right next to it a China but its the size of a splash...i had put more attention to his work and he uses both cymbals extensively ( well he uses every little thing he has on his drumset extensively the man is insane ). Its really not that common on metal but well just listen to burning inside eve of the entities or Deaths the sound of perseverance i mean he gets quite a timming on it makes it sound great. Plus it could be maybe cheaper than a fullsize china? i do not know that
1. i use a fusion set. i like it because of the sound and because of the tom sizes (!). if you learn on huge toms you will have difficulties in hitting the "tiny" 10" toms of a fusion set (for example on a gig with other bands where you share a set). + they use less space, but that's not so significant.
and color is bullshit. a matter of taste. but i made the mistake to buy some sort of green which is now nowhere to be found anymore. so if you want to expand your set later on, choose black or another standard color
Yeah but...I think its more work for the hands to be fast on big toms than small...and it shouldnt be that hard to drum on a tom 2 inches smaller.

It will be a black one beacause that black is a standard colour and its probably more easy to sell and more easy to expand...as you said.

I just dont like the idea off that its called fusion or jazz...sounds like a set just for jazz...
ever played on 8" toms/pads? you really have to get used to smaller sizes, especially when you do fast tom-sequences.
:err: what i meant was that if you learn on BIG drums you will miss the one or the other shot while playing fast on tiny toms
in fact, it depends on taste. the standard naturally has more power with the larger toms. but i wish i had my old 20" bassdrum, for the 22" kicks ass, especially these of the other inhabitants in my house :-)
on stage it's mixed. you won't believe how drummers set up their set. horrible. you always have to adjust at least 10 mins till it fits you. so try to set up your system as standard as possible. it may look boring, but you got less work with it.