
Nice thread! I like Asgeir the most(for Borknagar is my favourite band), but very great drummers are: Max Dumahel(Kataklysm), Nick Barker(ex-Dimmu), Martin Kearns(Bolt Thrower), Horgh(Hypocrisy), Uwe Werning(Dew-Scented), Dieter Bernert(Brainstorm), Daray(Vader), Torturer(Belphegor), Ole Öhman, Tobias Kellgren(ex-Dissection), Vinnie Paul(ex-Pantera, Damageplan),Jesper Frost(Iniquity),Hellblaster(Arkhon Infaustus) etc.
My top five are: Gene Hoglan, Asgeir, Per Möller Jensen, Derek Roddy and Kevin Talley. Ah , Hellhammer as well, but out of the stuff he plays on I only like Winds.
Asgeir Mickelson
Flo Mournier (Cryptopsy)
Tony Laureano (Nile)
John Longstreth (ex-Origin)
Zabek (Yattering)
Sean Reinert (Cynic/Aghora)
Bobby Jarzombek (Spastic Ink/Halford)
Trym, Nick Barker, Hellhammer, Horgh, Asgeir, Gene Hoglan, Frost, Van Williams, Tjoldav... mostly speed demons.
Neil Peart is one of my favourites.
Bobby Jarzombek, Richard Christy, Sean Reinert, Mike Portnoy, Asgeir, Jan Hellhammer also.
Brad Wilk (RATM, Audioslave) has extremely groovy playing which I like a lot.
John Macaluso (Ark, TNT etc) is quite uderrated player, but one of the best out there, especially in rock.
But the list could go on forever....
Lotsa great drummers already mentioned - I would add:

David Haley - Psycroptic
Conny Pettersson - Anata
Alex Arellano formerly of Power of Omens
Brian Harvey - Pig Destroyer

Historically speaking:

Tony Williams, Billy Cobham, Ziggy Modeliste
My personal pics:
  • Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy), just for the insane speed he can play at withou sacrifiing tecnical ability
  • Hellhammer (Mayhem etc.), a very very diverse drummer who can always play to perfectly suit the band he's in
  • Tyrum (Zyklon) Zyklon couldn't be without him, a frenzied maniac with a huge kit that he makes full use of
  • Mantex (Throes of Dawn etc.) Finlands Hellhammer, stupidly diverse and very under-rated
  • Jesper Frost (Iniquity) the level of control this guy has is unbelievable, the persision of his kick drumming and blasting boaders on programming
  • Shaun Steels (My Dying Bride) Never does the minimum, in Doom you can always get away with that yet he always takes it beyond
  • Fenriz (Darkthrone) Just because he can always surprise you and yet always sounds 100% true Norwegian Black Metal
Tjoldav Dimmu/Susperia ( I really like his work on all of susperias albums)
Brad Roberts Gwar( hes better than people give him credit)
Martin Lopez Opeth/Amon Amarth ( his work on ONCE SENT is killer)
Henry Ranta ex-Soilwork ( some of his work largely feels Jazzish, young guy could do great things)
Keith Moon ( the WHo rocked plain and simple)
Gene Hoglan ( Ive seent his man live and I thought my face was gonna melt)
Dave Lombardo ( Favorite work was on TESTAMENTS the GATHERING)
Dude for Meshuggah ( his rythmns are pretty sick)
FAvorite groove drummer is Daniel Svenson ( i wont put what band because most people dont like them, But i do. :grin: Just good straight ahead groove)
Charlie Benate Anthrax ( Charlie rocks, he can play about anything)
Per Jensen The Haunted/Nightrage( hes just so fluid and fast and looks bored while doing it , I loved his stuff on the Nightrage album, nothing flashy just really solid)
Baletempest said:
My personal pics:
  1. Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy), just for the insane speed he can play at withou sacrifiing tecnical ability
  2. Hellhammer (Mayhem etc.), a very very diverse drummer who can always play to perfectly suit the band he's in
  3. Tyrum (Zyklon) Zyklon couldn't be without him, a frenzied maniac with a huge kit that he makes full use of
As generic as they might be for favorite drummers, thore are about my top 3. There are quite a few other good metal drummers that I can't list now because I don't have my CDs to look at their names or even spell the obscure names of the bands.

That being said, Buddy Rich is still king.