dt forum members pictures page.

well, if hyena dignifies this with a serious reply then it means it's a worthy subject and i'll do the same. :p

i'm sorry to disappoint through a rather masculine perspective (of someone who hasn't been purposefully looking for porn on the internet in years, and who is generally not turned on by the anatomic detail), but porn pictures on the walls of a tour bus are not there to be looked at with lust and lecherous smiles. that's something you tend to do in private. whoever put them there - and, as is often the case, i was probably told but don't remember - intended it as a joke. crass? yes. juvenile? yes. the correct object of a moral crusade of indignation? no, sorry. if it were beheaded bodies or satanic paraphernalia i wouldn't see one single raised eyebrow.
@Rincewind : :zombie:
Nah, just kidding. Great pics actually. Well, the second one is a tad blurry but that's no biggie. You even remind of one of my friend.

Thanks for sharing!
Rincewind: Either you're too modest or you have serious issues concerning taste for physical appearance. Were you horrible, i would just pretend you didn't post pics or i'd say something like "thanks for sharing", but, as you're very far away from horrible (i'd say you're a long way on the other direction), i'll say that you're rather pretty. :)
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
You look like the guy from Dawson's Creek... what was his name... let me see... oh yeah... Dawson:p .

Hummmm ?
If at least Dawson was cute, it would have been less worse! :o
(And oh, if he has been a girl, it would have been waaaay less worse :o)
(or maybe theres something i just totally didnt understand, ah!)
Hi im new here



Name : Alexis
Country : México
Age: 20
marduk1507 said:
Hehe, so now we have Alex and Alexis, both from Mexico. Funny coincidence! Do Mexican parents like those names more or what? :)

Btw. :wave:

Hello chum

Well his real name is Alejandro not Alex, is just a contraction of his real name, and im Alexis :p

And answering your question mmm the most common names in México are : José and Pedro :lol: