DTB review 12-8

scanner313 you are such a waste of life its not even funny - you lambasted me for saying it was symphony X's crew when you thought it was devins crew, but who was wrong? then you cover up for it by getting all indignant -

nobody expects you to cheer for devin, you horses ass, i cheered enough - i went hoarse -

ive read your posts under your user name - youre nothing but a whiny shriveled up little boy - you really need some anger management therapy - the shame of it is that since the advice came from me (or, anyone with a brain) that youll refuse to get the help you so desperately need, simply out of spite -

if you dont like devin, dont visit his board - if you dont have anything constructive to contribute to the board, keep your fucking mouth shut -

peace, love, happiness.... all that bullshit -

SnidelyW said:
i believe i said "MY SUGGESTIONS FOR GREAT DEVIN CD'S" - i never said anything about devins "best" since "best" is a relative thing - based on the individual who is considering whatever theyre considering -

nevertheless, i have continually downloaded every devin item i could find, and bought anything that i even remotely liked -

between getting shit for not staying to see "stink-for-me X" and not having a thorough knowledge you peoples' narrowmindedness continues to amaze me -
Wow spazz.

I wasn't being an ass dude, I was just really surprised someone can be that big of a fan of Devin and not have heard Terria, seeing as how many people consider it his best work by far.

I guess that makes me narrowminded?
SnidelyW said:
scanner313 you are such a waste of life its not even funny - you lambasted me for saying it was symphony X's crew when you thought it was devins crew, but who was wrong? then you cover up for it by getting all indignant -

nobody expects you to cheer for devin, you horses ass, i cheered enough - i went hoarse -

ive read your posts under your user name - youre nothing but a whiny shriveled up little boy - you really need some anger management therapy - the shame of it is that since the advice came from me (or, anyone with a brain) that youll refuse to get the help you so desperately need, simply out of spite -

if you dont like devin, dont visit his board - if you dont have anything constructive to contribute to the board, keep your fucking mouth shut -

peace, love, happiness.... all that bullshit -

Hey SnidleyW! Who the fuck do you think you are? How could I "lambaste" you for that correction about the crew when you weren't even the one who informed me of it, douchebag?! Unless you have a second user name of "all4dametal", it wasn't you who pointed that out. So why don't you get your facts straight before you lambaste me you hypocritical fuck! And how you think I need anger management therapy is beyond me! I think my replies have been as tame as anyone's here (until now). Yours was the first to really get personal and attacking, so maybe you're the one in denial, huh?

The thing that amazes me about you is that I even said that I respected Devin for the performance he put on and thought the guy gave 100% under crappy conditions, yet you still think I'm here to bash him. I guess I should expect that from a self-proclaimed intellectual. I may not be the biggest fan of his music, but not everything appeals to everyone, does it? I don't give a shit that you don't like SymphonyX and have to resort to petty shit like calling them "stink-for-me X". How long did it take you to come up with that gem, huh? Hopefully not too long as that's the kind of thing you get regularly from 3rd graders. Being you're so smart, I'm sure it came quickly. Tell me though, who sounds like the whiney, shriveled up little boy now? Oh, I guess that would still be me since you'll never admit that you're wrong, even though everyone else on this board can see the truth. But hey, go ahead and take another shot. I can handle it. And even after all the bashing you've done against my favorite band, I still won't take it out on Devin as I don't associate douchebags like you (who put on immature defenses) with him, unlike you with SymphonyX and their board posters. Honestly, I think Devin would be ashamed to know a loser like you is associated with him and this forum.

So, I will depart from here with no ill will. I will return back to my preferred forum and leave you here in yours. Feel free to come over and read some more of my posts if you'd like. That's what they are there for.

Peace, love, happiness.................. BITE ME!
all4dametal said:
Dear SnidelyW,

Well said ! Thank you for that post, i think you speak for everyone in this DT forum !
You can bite me too asshole! Geez, this SnidleyW jerk makes a claim for something you said and you don't even try to correct him? Well, what's the point, right? I mean, he got his bash in on me and you were there to cheer him on. Way to go buddy! How about you go back and read my comments, your comments and good old SnidleyW's comments and figure out the true course of events here. And that goes for SnileyW too.

Hey guys, instead of telling anyone from the outside to "get yer shit straight before you yap off" or to "keep your fucking mouth shut", why don't you try doing a little research into what was actually said before you open up your fucking mouths? Or is that too much for you guys to handle? It must be, because you certainly didn't do any!

I'm done with you 2 pricks! Goodbye.
buchkoba00 said:
Wow spazz.

I wasn't being an ass dude, I was just really surprised someone can be that big of a fan of Devin and not have heard Terria, seeing as how many people consider it his best work by far.

I guess that makes me narrowminded?
Yes, unfortunately it does make you narrowminded. But don't feel bad buchkoba00, it's not your fault. It's just that you were dealing with the Albert Einstein of the DTB forum, SnidelyW. He's a genius, you know? Unlike me, he's got a brain. I know that because he told me so. He's so smart! I'm so glad I had him to tell me that I needed anger management therapy because otherwise I would just have been...well, I guess, angry all the time. And that's not good for me, so I'm glad SnidleyW was there to help me get my life in order. Although I'm not really sure why he did that because according to him I'm a "waste of life". Boy, I'm really glad he's so smart and is looking out for me. What would I do without him?

But anyway, don't feel bad that you are narrowminded, because you're still closer to SnidleyW's grace than I am. And that means a lot, don't you think?
to scanner-dude -

quote from my earlier post: "you lambasted me for saying it was symphony X's crew when you thought it was devins crew, but who was wrong? then you cover up for it by getting all indignant" -

scanner, you waste - as soon as you learn how to read, maybe you will quit accusing other people of not following the chain of events, when you yourself are guilty of that very offense, and your adversaries are not -

honestly, no bullshit, just READ -

on that note, im tired of this, onto better things -
Originally Posted by buchkoba00
Wow spazz.

I wasn't being an ass dude, I was just really surprised someone can be that big of a fan of Devin and not have heard Terria, seeing as how many people consider it his best work by far.

I guess that makes me narrowminded? "

to tell the truth, i was a little surprised that people would criticize me for not knowing every little thing that devin had done - like i should keep my opinion to myself since i only know what i know, and nothing more -

you werent the only one to comment like this - look above - and my comment was not solely toward you -

there are a ton of people that post on message boards that are just trying to have a source to deal with their own anger issues - whether they are mad their mother refused to breastfeed them - or mad that their mother did breast feed them - im not sure -

all in all i think you are narrowminded if you try to stomp someones opinion just because it might not be exactly on the same page as yours -

the fact is, i am a fan of devin townsends - not only his music, but also the bands he's produced - probably ESPECIALLY the bands he's produced -

the cd's by lamb of god and soilwork he worked on make up a ton of what i listen to every day - how can i not appreciate devin for that -

everywhere on this site i see people going off for no reason - im sure some people thought some of the things ive said in this thread were inappropriate - theyre entitled

as far as me not liking terria, i really dont - nor do i care for ocean machine all that much - but the things i do like, i like alot - they dont go into my "listen to every once in a while" pile, is all im saying -

im sure its a little late to get this thread back on the positive, but dont take it so personally - i know YOUR world revolves around you, but mine doesnt -

and i mean that in the nicest possible way -

later -
SnidelyW said:
to scanner-dude -

quote from my earlier post: "you lambasted me for saying it was symphony X's crew when you thought it was devins crew, but who was wrong? then you cover up for it by getting all indignant" -

scanner, you waste - as soon as you learn how to read, maybe you will quit accusing other people of not following the chain of events, when you yourself are guilty of that very offense, and your adversaries are not -

honestly, no bullshit, just READ -

on that note, im tired of this, onto better things -
I'll admit that I misread your comment. I thought you were upset about my reply to the statement that the crew were technically SyX's, when it was all4dametal who made that statement. For that, I appologize. However, this is a quote from my original post in reply to your message:

"Oh, and by the way, it wasn't the guys in SyX throwing the peper airplanes at DTB. It was DTB's crew. I saw the guys who were throwing the planes and they were the ones who were helping break down DTB's equipment. Personally, I thought that was kind of insulting to DTB even though they were smiling and stuff. But, because it wasn't really appropriate you had to blame it on SyX, even if you excused it as "fun". I think the guys in SyX have a little more class than that. They may have taped the high hat shut as a gag, as I've heard that's pretty common with touring bands on the last night of a tour, but I don't know as fact if even that was them. And even though you weren't there to see it, Devin and one of his bandmates made an appearance on stage during SyX's set. Unannounced, he came across the stage during the Odyssey and started pretending he was exploring by pretending to shade his eyes and leaning forward. And nobody in the crowd booed him for that. I actually thought is was kind of funny and nice to see that the bands are friendly. I'm sure Devin doesn't blame the guys in SyX for the way the crowd responded to them. So why would you disrespect SyX yourself? I just think it's funny how you guys all seem to blame SyX for Devin's poor support."

If you think that's lambasting then you're just a little too sensitive. My point, which in subsequent posts you've proven for me, was that you guys keep throwing cheap shots and blaming SyX (the band, not the fans) for Devin's poor response. My question was simply, why? But don't feel a need to answer, because I know why. It's the same reason you posted "stink-for-me X", and it's the same reason you had to make a personal attack to my short, simply stated comment regarding that brilliant play on words you came up with. Because you're immature, plain as that. Deny it all you want, but you know it's true and you can see it from your posts. Call me a waste all you want, because it doesn't bother me any that a guy like you feels that way. I expect that from people like you, who have to resort to attacking someone else to win the acceptance of others.

And please, by all means, move on to your better things. I appreciate you letting me off the hot seat like this. It was so intense and uncomfortable. :)
ya know scanner, you took what could have been a really cool thread and just turned it into a lump of shit - im not going to apoligize for not liking, or staying at the show for symphony X - i got my moneys worth, i was well entertained, by someone whom ive been a fan of since the vai album came out back in 91 or 92 -

i have no more suggestions for you, since, as predicted, suggestions coming from me wont be heeded -

so feel free to come on over to the devin board, make all the comments you like - even threaten people - are you going to KICK MY ASS too? (for anyone lost on this, read the recent post by our friend in the thread "DTB tour end 12-8" -

how unbelievably lame -

i mean, not only was the original post-er lame, but then to have it seconded - wow - you really wield a mighty power - must have gotten it from symphony x -

so, just to reitterate, you are completely welcome here - please, come visit - whoa us with your entertaining litany on things that we probably never would have thought of ourselves - really, theres no way we could continue without YOU, scanner - yes, thats right, youre THAT important to us -

have i mentioned my hope that devin never tours with "SyX" again?
This has gotten out of control.........I like SX and DTB, I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. To be honest SnidelyW and Scanner313 you both have valid points. The reason I got a little hasty towards your comments Scanner313 is because if you read the SX Forum a ton of fans have been slamming Devin when all he really did was go up there and do what he does. If people don't get it..... cool, move on but don't slam the guy in his own forum ! I think that's not cool. I've posted on the SX forum, I like those guy's too, but I would never consider slamming them on there own forum.

That is the reason I responded the way I did about the "crew" thing. I was sick of people saying in a negative way, DTB this or DTB's crew that and SX would never do that ! For one that was probably one of the worst matched bills i've seen in a while for a concert bill, even thogh I like both bands. For two, DTB is a unique show in their own way that some people may not get and if you don't like it, I think it's best to move on, keep it between you and your friends and NOT go out of your way to say shit about him on his own forum.

Don't get me wrong Scanner313, I'm not just saying you are the one responsible for this blowup, for me, it was contributed by a bunch of people and by the time you posted, I had read enogh. SX and DTB are two completely different bands that are incredible at what they do in there respective Genre's of music........that's all i have to say. I apologize for my earlier blow-up, but on behalf of all DTB fans and Devin himself, I had heard enough at that point and felt something had to be said about ALL the slamming i have been reading about Devin on his forum and SX's forum ! It suck's when you read shit like what I've read over the past couple weeks........anyways, Peace.

Thank you for an intelligent post. I too apologize if anything I said in regard to you was "heated". I had the same reaction when I came here and saw certain individuals taking cheap shots at the guys in SyX because the crowd response wasn't overwhelming for Devin. I said it from the beginning and I'll say it again that Devin is not really my kind of metal, but he's a hell of a performer under crappy conditions. He just needs to keep his feelings to himself if the crowd isn't responsive because all that does is ignite the fury of those idiots in the crowd who don't have respect for anyone. And then all hell breaks loose.

Anyway, thanks again for the post. I'm glad we could get this back to a civilized format.
SnidelyW said:
ya know scanner, you took what could have been a really cool thread and just turned it into a lump of shit - im not going to apoligize for not liking, or staying at the show for symphony X - i got my moneys worth, i was well entertained, by someone whom ive been a fan of since the vai album came out back in 91 or 92 -
On this note, how did "I" turn this thread to shit? I didn't bash Devin in the least, but you felt free to slam SyX whenever it suited your purpose.

i have no more suggestions for you, since, as predicted, suggestions coming from me wont be heeded -
Why should I heed anything coming from a chump like you? Who are you that I should give any creedence to what you say? Man, you're full of yourself!

so feel free to come on over to the devin board, make all the comments you like - even threaten people - are you going to KICK MY ASS too? (for anyone lost on this, read the recent post by our friend in the thread "DTB tour end 12-8" -

how unbelievably lame -

i mean, not only was the original post-er lame, but then to have it seconded - wow - you really wield a mighty power - must have gotten it from symphony x -
Are you a mind reader, or did you just twist my reply to fuel your attack on me? (I think we know which one it is) Where did I ever say anything about supporting or favoring that other guys threat toward oldlyonfreak? I didn't. This is so typical of you that it doesn't even surprise me. You think you're holier than thou, yet you stoop to unbelieveable lows to try to paint me in a negative light. If I was the type to resort to violence and to threaten someone don't you think I would have threatened you after your unprovoked "waste of life" post? And did I threaten you, no. Don't put words in my mouth, asshole!

so, just to reitterate, you are completely welcome here - please, come visit - whoa us with your entertaining litany on things that we probably never would have thought of ourselves - really, theres no way we could continue without YOU, scanner - yes, thats right, youre THAT important to us -
Gee, I guess that's true, because it wasn't until I used sarcastic praise in response to you that you decided to try to make it your idea. That's ok, we all know why that is, so we won't hold it against you. And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go back to the SyX board now. At least there I won't have to deal with dopes like you, unless of course you want to come over and chat, which you too are welcome to do. Thanks for the hospitality.

have i mentioned my hope that devin never tours with "SyX" again?
Of course you don't, because you're petty and won't let this anger you're feeling go. And I'm not offering any advice or suggestions here, but you mentioned something in a previous message about Anger Management...?

Anyway, it's been fun arguing with a douche like you. This really made my day fun! Thanks for that.
Let me make a correction to the previous message. In regard to this board I said "I think I will go back to the SyX board now. At least there I won't have to deal with dopes like you...". I would like to correct my statement and make it clear that I do not think all posters on this board are dopes. That was not the intention of my statement. My post should have read "At least there I won't have to deal with a dope like you".

Sorry if anyone mistook this and was offended.
Originally Posted by SnidelyW
ya know scanner, you took what could have been a really cool thread and just turned it into a lump of shit - im not going to apoligize for not liking, or staying at the show for symphony X - i got my moneys worth, i was well entertained, by someone whom ive been a fan of since the vai album came out back in 91 or 92 -
On this note, how did "I" turn this thread to shit? I didn't bash Devin in the least, but you felt free to slam SyX whenever it suited your purpose.

i have no more suggestions for you, since, as predicted, suggestions coming from me wont be heeded -
Why should I heed anything coming from a chump like you? Who are you that I should give any creedence to what you say? Man, you're full of yourself!


so feel free to come on over to the devin board, make all the comments you like - even threaten people - are you going to KICK MY ASS too? (for anyone lost on this, read the recent post by our friend in the thread "DTB tour end 12-8" -

how unbelievably lame -

i mean, not only was the original post-er lame, but then to have it seconded - wow - you really wield a mighty power - must have gotten it from symphony x -

Are you a mind reader, or did you just twist my reply to fuel your attack on me? (I think we know which one it is) Where did I ever say anything about supporting or favoring that other guys threat toward oldlyonfreak? I didn't. This is so typical of you that it doesn't even surprise me. You think you're holier than thou, yet you stoop to unbelieveable lows to try to paint me in a negative light. If I was the type to resort to violence and to threaten someone don't you think I would have threatened you after your unprovoked "waste of life" post? And did I threaten you, no. Don't put words in my mouth, asshole!

so, just to reitterate, you are completely welcome here - please, come visit - whoa us with your entertaining litany on things that we probably never would have thought of ourselves - really, theres no way we could continue without YOU, scanner - yes, thats right, youre THAT important to us -
Gee, I guess that's true, because it wasn't until I used sarcastic praise in response to you that you decided to try to make it your idea. That's ok, we all know why that is, so we won't hold it against you. And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go back to the SyX board now. At least there I won't have to deal with dopes like you, unless of course you want to come over and chat, which you too are welcome to do. Thanks for the hospitality.


have i mentioned my hope that devin never tours with "SyX" again?

Of course you don't, because you're petty and won't let this anger you're feeling go. And I'm not offering any advice or suggestions here, but you mentioned something in a previous message about Anger Management...?

Anyway, it's been fun arguing with a douche like you. This really made my day fun! Thanks for that.


heh heh this is fun -

speak, boo boo - speak -
Come on SnidleyW, is that the best reply you could muster up? I was hoping for some more scathing attack rhetoric. This doesn't do much for me. Oh well, I guess the fun had to end sometime.
