DT's worst songs

But you're still typing.. so you're still alive...
Well, we just spared you cause we think you have potential of seeing the light :Smokedev:
still moving sinews???? are you utterly and completely nuts???

ok, time to get back to my placid state. :)

well, apart from the obvious archetype, i think midway through infinity is basically just a filler. :cry:

I agree wwith everyone here still moving sinews is no filler just a killer
hm no killers are:
difficult question,archtetype is very bizarre and no metal just techno with screams and some riffsamples ,just an experiment
but I dont like it so much
but what I really dont like is Undo controll from projector,its no bad song but nothing happend in it.I dont know why they play it live all the times,ok live it works good but on dics I skip it always(and projector is my favorite one until DD comes out*g*)
midway through infinity is also one of this song who arent very good but also arent very bad like Undo conrtoll

but on skydancer,the minds I and haven there is absolutely no filler just killersongs(for me)
)Solefald, I hereby challenge thee and slap you with a wet fish, possibly a haddock yet more likely a sturgeon!
How can you say that!?! Undo Control is one of my all time favourite DT songs...:cry:
Pistols at dawn, my friend?
P.S. Still Moving Sinews - one of the best on Minds I, IMHO (IMHO being a way of sayin somethin possibly controversial and/or insulting and getting away with it ;))
Peace out dudes!
I love Undo Control too, solefald must be helped to see the light as well :Smokedev: :p
hey I didnt said it was a bad song I just dont like it so much .the female voice in this song dont fit in thats what I dont like.they are unnecessaryand not so good thats my problem with this song
I like normaly songs with some female voices like insanitys crescendo,..grandeur of melancholy,a bolt of blazing gold,through ebony archways.. but this song is ruined with these uncatchy vocals,without them the song would be 1000times better IMO

live its a good song without a doubt
but no need to let blood flow and I dont like pistols more swords or lightsabers
I see what you mean, and i partially agree, it's just that i like *ahem*singing*ahem* that part ;)
Originally posted by MadTinus
Archetype is obviously not my fave, but apart from that my worst (or rather least good) DT song must be from either "The Mind's I" or "Projector", cause those are my least favourite DT albums...

Hmm, this isn't necessarily a rule. I think The Gallery is their best album, but I still find Midway through Infinity one of their worst songs. Other not-so-great-DT-songs are IMHO :)p) - My Faeryland Forgotten, Dissolution Factor Red, Day to End and The Same.

UnDo Control, on the other hand, is on my all-time top-10 of DT. And I definitely join the majority :)eek: for a long time I thought me and Rahvin were the only ones) here, who love Still Moving Sinews (damn - there are some great DT solos for Misanthrope! :p).

-Villain (who is tired (and therefore writes with a lot of (brackets)))