Is there ANYONE who understands ANYTHING of DT's lyrics?

Child of Time: Thanks for the support! ;) Still I must admit Rahvin's interpretation is probably a bit more cohesive, while mine still seeks a more stable form. But just like you said, there are no right and wrong here.

Originally posted by rahvin

if anybody wants to comment on any other song or would like any other song commented upon, we're still here to read and to serve. ;)

Sure we are. :) I just don't have all the time I'd like to have.

-Villain (who just made an essay in five minutes)
Originally posted by rahvin
as for understanding what they actually mean, i'd suggest anyone who's in doubt to just ask straight away on this thread about any lyrics they're interested in. i'm sure we'll make something out.
Nether Novas :)
well siren, give your first opini....rant about the song..then we'll be able to discuss with some content on the table :)
my about the lyrics is so blur and wide that i don't think i could put it in words :)
that's why i'm asking anyway ;)
why don't you FatherVic give us _your_ rant instead? :p
about what??? :loco:

heehhe ok, later on I'll take the booklet and start opin...ranting here about it....but I fear I'm too dumb to interpretate something like that!
No, you are not dumb papi. Just try it :)

If i took a shot, i would just say it has smt to do with relationships and stuff, but then all lyrics make sense to me as related to relationships, so go figure :loco:
hehe maybe it is about relationships...i will grab my booklet,too and start the usual crap i think when i try to understand lyircs :grin: hehe and hmm somehow everything can be abstractly connected with relationships.. :u-huh: just like a friend of mine said that we can somehow associate everything with sex :lol:
Originally posted by FatherVic
isn't everything indirectly associated with sex??? now you'll tell me santa doesn't live in north_pole huh??? :loco:

Santa lives at Korvatunturi in Finland, period.

I'll check the Nether Novas -lyrics later this week and try to give my interpretation.

-Villain (busy as hell)