
Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Ok, I decided to get off my ass and check out Dungeon, seeing as though they are loved by alot of you guys, especially Lord Tim (why do ya like em so much?) :)

Anyhoo, I went to the local HMV to grab the album which I dont know the title of, but I couldnt find it there.

When I got home, I decided to download a song to see what they are like......... I grabbed Paradise, and I have probably listened to it 50 times today.

It's pretty damn cool. I didn't really like it on first listen, well I did, but I was just got the impression that it would be a little heavier because of what has been said on this board. Well anyway, I'm glad that I did listen to it more, cause I really like it now.

'Running away, to Paradise......... Victory in my sights!'

The chorus is awesome, and the guitar parts rip!

Actually, I'm listening to it again now, and I fuckin love the pre-chorus as well!

"I've made my last stand as success comes my way."
"The final encounter decides who will win. Desire to live will survive"

Awesome vocal harmonies.

Are all of their songs like this?
Power Metal?

What is the name of the album with this song on it, and where can I find it? I will probably look at Utopia.

Also Tim, are you guys gonna be playing in Sydney anytime soon? I live in Baulkham Hills............. so if you are playing in Parramatta, Blacktown, Sevo, or the city any time soon, please let me know! I'd love to check out a live show.
It's called Resurrection, and it used to be available at the UM store, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I guess Tim or one of the others will be able to fill you in properly. And there's more samples on their website. :)
JB Hi-Fi's sometimes have it, Metal Mayhem here usually does and I'm sure Utopia in Sydney would.

The whole album is just great :) Some of the songs are heavier and thrashier (Resurrection, Judgement Day, I Am Death) too. But yeah, its all melodic thrash/power metal basically and damn good too! :D
Paradise was probably the lightest song on Resurrection and for some reason every bastard always wants to hear the damn thing! We've recorded that song over 6 times in various shapes and forms and we're completely over it! HAHA! But it's usually in our live set!

Resurrection was released in 1999 and it made it through 3 pressings before the sales started to dry up a bit, so for that reason it's a little hard to get now as opposed to when it was first out. Like Xena said, you *should* be able to get it from Utopia or online from Metal Mayhem. I think we still have some copies too, so if you're at a gig sometime soon (I'll get to that!), you can grab it for $20 directly from us...

Gigs wise, we're playing next Saturday (Jun.8) at Club 77 in the city then a week later at The Forest Inn at Bexley with the excellent Alarum from Melbourne!

Resurrection was full of mainly Helloween / Maiden inspired power metal songs with the odd thrash element thrown in for good measure...

The new one, A Rise To Power, is faster and has a LOT more thrash influences, but it's also got very Queensryche inspired progressive sections, orchestration, HUGE Blind Guardian / Edguy style choruses... A big step forward from Resurrection! That'll be out in late August.

So there ya have it! The recent history of Dungeon part III! :D
Damn, next week I will be away for the long weekend, but I will try and catch the gig the following week at Bexley.
How much are tix?
I will buy the cd from ya that night :)

Any idea of some sort of setlist? I might try and download some songs so I am familar with em before the gig, but I'll still buy the album to support you guys.
Cool, lookin forward to it
Tix should be $10 or so, and the set... Hmm... Dunno!

There will likely be Wake Up, Paradise, No Way Out, Netherlife (can't get that yet), Insanity's Fall (or that!) and a couple of covers...

We never know what we're doing until the night before! :)
ok cool. Listening to the sample of I am Death at your website at the moment. Sounds cool. Heavy as shit. Is it the same dude singing? Is it you?
Sounds more like James Hetfield on this one........
Love the death chants.

Are ya gunna be doing some Maiden covers? I heard you's used to do Caught Somewhere in Time.... that would be sweet!

What other covers are in your repetoire?
Yeah, it's me! :)

You guys have got an even bigger surprise vocally on the next album! ;)

We should be doing Death at the show, lots of fun to do live! The covers will likely be Priest's Electric Eye and Accept's Fast As A Shark this time, although there's plans to resurrect a few older covers we used to do and a couple of excellent new ones for the tour later this year! :)
Tim , Come do a show in G-Town (aka. Geelong :p)
I saw you guys live for the first time at the Edguy show and I absolutely loved the shit you play. Great stuff !!!!!
I also talked to one of your roadies that night in the crowd while edguy played. He seemed very surprised when i told him I thought you guys were the best Aussie band of the night ..... So sack him for his lack of faith !! ;)
HAHAHA! No goddamn respect! That's it, his ass is fired for not treating us like the rock gods we are! HAHAHAHA!

There's talk of maybe doing a show in Geelong when we're in Melbourne next on our tour (looks like for the main show there will be a MetalFest type thing with a HEAP of bands), but it's all being sorted out now...

If it doesn't end up happening, sorry about that in advance! But we're trying anyway! (Everyone: "Yes, LT, you're *very* trying!") HAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

There's talk of maybe doing a show in Geelong when we're in Melbourne next on our tour

Oooo.. dangerous move. Ballarat would be a better..

Psi-Kore played here not long ago, maybe you should ask them how the gig went. I didn't go (I was in Melbourne that night), and I don't know anyone else who did. :cry:
I hear the Psi.Kore gig was a little quiet, but I've also heard that that venue is a little unpredictable...

What kinda venues are in Ballarat, does anyone know? (Besides castles that international bands play at sometimes? HAHA!)

Wrathy: Yeah, you should be able to get it from the Dungeon site, but we'll be posting up a list of places it'll be easily available from as well once we know...