Duuude...why are those older games so awesome?


Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Man...I'm playing a heavily technically outdated sega cd space shooter...and damn....it's the best game in the style I've ever tried, except for n64 starfox...So fun to play, beautiful graphics for the time...

I guess they just don't do fun games anymore...all right, they do, but there is a ton of beautiful garbage out there.
Discuss, or is it too nerdish? :lol:
folks always have the nostalgia for consoles the grew up with. I'll play a good game on any console, but i always have a soft spot for the nes and snes's of my childhood :D

Duck Hunt.. With a Vengeance!
Coz nintendo was the king :p

i still have top gun for nes and Days of thunder

mmmm someone defeat tyson in his own game for nes , i think the name of the game is Myke tyson or Punch out, and you were a boy called " little mac ", here a image of little mac training in New York City :


gotta own him Mac !!!!!!!!!!

Nintendo created shoothers (modefreakon)
Nintendo created the dogs (modefreakon)
Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:
My games of the classic nes , The game in worst condition is the Turtle ninjas 2 :p


Oh my good I've got to get that game... I only had TMNT 1 as a kid. Rented the 2nd though. But have not played it since then... and that's MANY years.