Duuude...why are those older games so awesome?

sega cd rocked anyone play lunar sliver star or sega cd! i personally think sega owned back then but that was cuz i grew up with that. old school sonic musc rocked. but imo casltevania series had the best music.
Parn666 said:
How many of you have played the Snes game 'Terranigma'?
Seen these guys before?

It never came out in the U.S., but for me, its like the best RP ever....
EWWWW, it's fucking great!!!!!!11
I have played the other games in the terranigma series too(soul blazer/illusion of gaia), but none as good as the last one.
A fucking masterpiece...
Cause nowadays, the goals of (/most of) the devs are to be realistic... and not necessarly fun. Nintendo are still doing their best though.

Speaking of old gen consoles.. I found my Sega Genesis at my parents house - played some NHL 94 and Sonic 2. Had a blast.

Excess said:
Yeah it was really hard at some points. _I_ never made it through, but my brother did. :bah:
The one on NES? It was freakin hard indeed.. i have a flashback of the last level where you had to swim for kilometers in an underwater maze and having only a few seconds to do that.
anybody ever play raiden trad? best top shooter ever!

antbody ever play this?



lunar silver start story for the sega cd and later released on ps1 and sega saturn. io the best rpg ever. had good characters adn character devolpment. plus the story rocked.
The Soulforged said:
anybody ever play raiden trad? best top shooter ever!

antbody ever play this?



lunar silver start story for the sega cd and later released on ps1 and sega saturn. io the best rpg ever. had good characters adn character devolpment. plus the story rocked.

No, but that screenshot makes it look pretty sweet.
The Soulforged said:
anybody ever play raiden trad? best top shooter ever!

antbody ever play this?



lunar silver start story for the sega cd and later released on ps1 and sega saturn. io the best rpg ever. had good characters adn character devolpment. plus the story rocked.
I have the ps1 version.
I'll download sega cd's though.
my emulator rockss