DVD update:


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I just got an update from Lucid Lounge. All bands have chosen their tracks except for one. I hope to have their final decision by next week and then I will release the full tracklist. There is still not a set date for release simply because some bands are still mixing and the delay in getting word from the remaining band. Lucid Lounge is essentially at their mercy. It will take 2 weeks to get the dvd pressed once everything else is complete. All discs will be shipped within 48 hrs of it's arrival. There will only be one pressing this year and pre-orders have accounted for 40% of those sales already.

As I have explained previously, this is strictly a side project for the production company. The profit margin is very small. However, it is the only way to get it done based on the costs involved. Please be patient.

The all-star footage will not be on the dvd due to time constraints. The legal costs involved far outweight the potential profit involved of such a release for our limited pressings. I do hope to get some of it online though in the future.

Finally, the dvd production is being considered on a year to to year basis. There is no guarantee there will be a shoot this year except for those individual bands requesting it.
thank you for the update. My wife just asked me about the dvd a few minutes ago. Glad i could give her an up to the second update.
Thanks for the update, Glenn!

And at least we know it's not Halcyon Way that's holding up the show. :lol: