
S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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:OMG: Oh...my..........

As a music lover, I can safely say I don't think I have ever been so blown away but what I have heard. I'm talking, on an emotional level here....this shit is CRAZY!

The....most....EVIL & TERRIFYING piece of music I have ever heard. I have heard everything it seems, but after hearing this I am a changed man. I'll never be the same hahahahaha. Man, I feel like I'm going to go to hell for even listening to it.

Well, as must be obvious by now, I have found my new fave artist. I dare not even call them a band.....

I just wonder, how can something so SINISTER be so beautiful at the same time? The production (and you MUST listen to this with a good sound system) is absolutely beyond anything I have heard before.

If you're NOT into classical music, stay away. That's all there is to say. The album THE UMBERSUN is a sheer masterpiece if I ever heard one.

I'd like to know if anyone here (besides SADGURU, who has introduced me to these guys - and yes, I FINALLY took it upon myself to give them a chance. I'm such an idiot that I have avoided it for so long...perhaps the cover freaked me out???? Heheh....) has heard of these geniuses and what their thoughts are on this music.

Brilliant...absolutely brilliant. And April 23rd will be GREATER than Christmas, as the NEW ELEND comes out the SAME day as new Virgin Black. Cool shit!
I've went through a couple of stages of really being in love with "Les Tenebres du Dehors" and know of other people who have too, so I know where you're coming from.

You'd probably love "The Umbersun" as well. Though the only album they have screaming on is "Les Tenebres..."

edit: I've always wished that they would someday redo Les Tenebres with actual instruments and stuff instead of the synths.. Just imagine how amazing it would be.
There is also an old Elend thread


I can only imagine how many same old Emperor/Arcturus, etc etc threads there have been made. I bet it's endless. This really shouldn't even be an issue. It's an innocent thread, pure and simple, and thought I'd express my thoughts on an incredibly artistic band/group.

As well, it may NOT be Metal, but it gets heavier and more intense than 90% of the metal bands I have heard in the past. I think there's a place for Elend on this forum.

@Susperia: Hey. Delighted to see an Elend fan here. The Umbersun is actually the ONLY album I have heard of the group. I have it and it's absolutely stunning. The song you mentioned, Du Trefonds Des Tenebres is pure, demonic bliss. I've said all there is above to sum up my feelings, but words can never convey the power displayed in the music here. The vocals and just everything else...whoa.
And honestly, now that you mention it yeah, it sucks they weren't real instruments. I thought they used a real orchestra, which is what I read...hmm, I'm confused. Either way, no matter - it sounds absolutely perfect regardless. But a re-recording would always be welcome.
I was actually talking about the album Les Tenebres du Dehors... its' an entire album, the only album they scream on, I believe....it's very intense stuff.

edit: Swizzlenuts here loves that album. I used to really like it too, but I think I listened to it too much or something...maybe in a few years.
I was actually talking about the album Les Tenebres du Dehors... its' an entire album, the only album they scream on, I believe....it's very intense stuff.

edit: Swizzlenuts here loves that album. I used to really like it too, but I think I listened to it too much or something...maybe in a few years.

:lol: Haha, HAIL SATAN for that! Seriously, I feel better now because I was killing myself for a second there as The Umbersun to me felt radically orchestrated. The intense impact of flames with the screams will eternally leave a lasting impression in my soul. Deep...deep stuff. And I adore the concept.

In any case, seems to me like I need to check out their other albums. :D Excellent.
I listened to one or two tracks from "The Umbersun" on mp3 and was quite impressed. I then bought ''Sunwar the Dead", but i think it is not so great. Still originbal and good music, i just don'd like it that much personally.
I still would like to get the Umbersun, because i think i would love it, but it seems very difficult to find.
Elend is great. I've liked them for a few years now. I like The Umbersun a lot but I like Sunwar the Dead a bit more because it incorporates even more influence from avant-garde classical music and they use a real orchestra on that album. If you like Elend then I strongly suggest you check out Gyorgy Ligeti. He's an avant-garde classical composer who is one of Elend's biggest influences. Look for his piece called 'Requiem'.
I bought a 3 dollar copy of Les Tenebres du Dehors from a cheap bin, I was impressed but I find myself not reaching for it often.

EDIT: Yeah, I agree with Susperia...the use of synths brought it down a bit for me.
If you like Elend then I strongly suggest you check out Gyorgy Ligeti. He's an avant-garde classical composer who is one of Elend's biggest influences. Look for his piece called 'Requiem'.

On my way, haha. Thanks for the recommendation.

@Freanan: PLEASE tell me one of those tracks you heard from THE UMBERSUN was the opener, Du Trefonds Des Tenebres; possibly the single, greatest piece of music I have heard in the longest time. And I mean literally, TRUE music. Something pure and...genuine.

@challenge_everything: Haha, well, since this band is clearly very obscure, another thread won't do any harm right? I'm actually surprised as many people already replied to this thread as is. Elend needs all the support they can get. And yes, the new album I shall buy the day it hits stores on APril 23rd.

Oh yeah, and The Umbersun can be found on amazon.com used for $225 plus some shipping fees hahaha. GOD DAMMIT! This is one album I'd give anything to own, but I don't think I can spare THAT kind of money for a single album, and especially as I have it on mp3 form on my ipod. I guess that'll have to do for now.
Elend is just great. I love them. I don't even mind that they didn't use the real orchestra on their early albums, I think it adds some cold feel to it (though of course, the real orchestra would sound great too... maybe greater... we don't know it...)
I've never quite found myself in the right mood to digest The Umbersun as a whole in one sitting.My attention always seems to wane after the 5th track. But whoever recommended it to me on the basis of my love for Puissance, Gae Bolg and similar acts wasn't way off. The album does have that oppressive apocalyptic ambience that characterizes mid-period Puissance. However, I'm more of a fan of the latter band's minimalistic militant bombast, rather than Elend's over-the topness which confuses and wears me down.
Interesting dark music, for sure, but certainly not the album "which makes most BM in comparison sound like Sesame Street tunes" (or however it was touted) That's just too massive of an overstatement. I don't know whether I feel this way because I mainly listen to the genre's classics or for whatever other reason, but The Umbersun has been mildly disappointing to me.
@Procella: CHEERS! An Elend fan, and from POLAND??? Awesome. I happen to speak a bit of Polish myself (my Family is from Poland.)

Interesting dark music, for sure, but certainly not the album "which makes most BM in comparison sound like Sesame Street tunes" (or however it was touted) That's just too massive of an overstatement. I don't know whether I feel this way because I mainly listen to the genre's classics or for whatever other reason, but The Umbersun has been mildly disappointing to me.

Haha, I believe I stated something along those lines within another thread. Yes, it's WAY over exaggerated but it still doesn't change my mind that it's more evil than any black metal I have heard. I mean, I listen to stuff like Abruptum (previously the most disturbing thing I have ever heard) and Xiasthur as well. They pale in comparison to the haunting beauty of Elend. Well, mainly the INTRO to The Umbersun. Well, that sucks you found that album disappointing. But ALL their albums I'm sure are terrific.....

:headbang: I just ordered WINDS DEVOURING MEN and SUNWAR THE DEAD from The End Records. Hell yeah, I just can't wait for their arrival.

Lastly, I have just heard Les Ténèbres du Dehors; all I can say is, Susperia...you were RIGHT! What an incredible piece of artistic vision. I can't decide whether or not I prefer it to The Umbersun. I'd say they're equally as good. Aye, this music is just out of this world. I have to thank these guys in an email or something because it amazes me that there are artists still creating music in this genre.
Think we can lobby The End to get the rights to the 'Tenebres' trilogy and re-release? In fact I'm going to email them right now.

I picked up the Tenebres du Dehors digipack from ebay - I has some of the most awesome artwork I've ever seen on an album so it's worth getting the original