East Coast Tour Journal

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Thursday, February 12th
The vehicle was loaded at 4 in the morning, and after a quick bite to eat, we hit the road for Cleveland at about 6. The mood of the band at this time was pretty loose, and we couldn't wait to arrive in Cleveland. The RV we had rented was a bit rough on us at first, and the Dramamine was being passed around like candy, as the inside of the RV was much like bad airplane turbulence. We arrived at the Agora in Cleveland around 2:30 in the afternoon, to meet up with The Gathering, and Agalloch at the same time. Andreas from The End Records was also there, and it was great to finally meet him. I'm glad he was there on the tour, as he took care of much of the business, and an acting tour manager for everyone. Thanks Andreas! We loaded in, and explored the Agora's "catacombs" where Spinal Tap got lost, and couldn't find the stage. The Agora is a cool room, and actually the best meal I had on the trip. The show was rough for us, as we had to work out a few bugs as we played, and the sound man was having a bit of trouble with feedback, but the fans in Cleveland were very warm and gave us a great response. After we broke the gear down, and packed up, it was decided that all three bands would meet for breakfast in the morning, and travel to Canada together, so we would cross the border at the same time. After breakfast, things get interesting...
Friday, February 13th
We finished eating breakfast, and started out on the road to Canada, and the vehicle we were in would not drive over 35 Miles per hour. There was something very wrong, and we are now quite nervous, as we are hauling all the gear, and we are running late for Toronto already. We pull everyone over, and call the rental place, and we are told we need to bring the RV into a service station to have it checked and repaired. We thought at this point, making the show might not be an option for us, so we unhooked the trailer with the gear, and hooked it up to Agalloch's van so Agalloch and The Gathering would still make it to the venue to play. This process took about an hour, and we sent them on their way to Toronto. We are now running very late, and things look grim, but after three sets of wrong directions, we made it to the repair shop. The were great to us, and took it in right away to look at it, found the problem, repaired it, and got us back on the road in 2 hours time. We now needed to haul ass to make Toronto, and that's what we did. When we arrived at the club in Toronto, it was about 9 PM, and The Gathering was on stage doing the sound check. From what I understand, there is a problem with the monitors, and they can't hear anything on stage. This causes more delays, and the people in line outside are getting angry, standing in the -15 degree winter cold. We were told we all needed to cut our sets short, for times sake. Finally, things worked out, the doors opened, and after a short set from a local opener, we hit the stage. Again, plagued with technical problems, from Larrys amp cutting out, to Vito breaking a string, and our tech Willie was watching the merch for us, we had no choice but to do the best we could. I thought even with the stage trouble, it was a good performance, and the crowd was amazing to us. One of the very best we've had, and we will be coming back to Toronto! After the show ended, and everyone had left, we still did not know if we were playing there again on Saturday. See, after L'amour closed its doors in Brooklyn, a second show was booked in Toronto, because the first night sold out. There was long, and heated discussions about the monitor system and for reasons outside of our control, the show for Saturday was cancelled. I'm sure you'll read about this elsewhere.
Saturday, February 14th
We had a day off, and decided to stay in Toronto for the day, and maybe get some new ink. Mikes brother lives in Toronto, so he opened up his home for us, and let us shower and rest a bit. A HUGE thanks for his hospitality! We toured the city, and bought a few things, and headed out for Cambridge in the evening.
Sunday, February 15th
We arrived in Cambridge very early, around 9 am, and load in wasn't until 4, so we had much time to kill. We walked around the city, did more sight seeing, and ate in a killer little Italian place. We loaded into the Middle East club at 4 pm. The club was in a basement, and was long from front to back. The turn out was great, and the response was good for us! A few highlights on this night, was seeing Greg from Kayo Dot, and Clint from DFR. Two old friends, and I wish we had more time to spend with them. We also saw Kleo from the forums, who did an interview with us on our vehicle. Kleo also witnessed the opening band back into our vehicle with their Uhaul truck, giving us quite the bump inside. Our friend Tom was also there, and filmed out set for us, so much thanks goes to him! Cambridge was fun, as we met many very cool, and interesting people. Some of us now have some new friends, im sure we'll keep in touch with! We love playing in Boston, and this was no exception. At this club, the sound man offered us a soundboard CDR recording of our set, so we took it, and it sounds amazing, so I'm sure we will use it or some of it as bonus material somewhere down the line. After breaking down the gear, and loading up we needed to quickly clean up the RV, as we are now living like pigs, and headed out for Washington D.C.
Monday, February 16th
The drive was long, and when we arrived into the D.C. city limits, the breaks on the RV started to grind so badly, we knew we were in trouble with the vehicle once again. We made it to the club, after directions from a strange old man who insisted on counting the street lights with us (1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....) [You had to be there], we parked and called the rental company again. Furious at this point, we demand a new vehicle and one arrives at about 10 pm. They tow away the other one, and now all our personal items are behind the stage of the 9:30 club. Let me say this, the 9:30 club is one of the greatest clubs I have ever played. The people there were the nicest and most thoughtful of the entire tour. They really go above and beyond the norm to make us comfortable. The stage and lights, and sound system are all top notch, and made playing here more then a pleasure. Upon arrival we were given a note from our friend Fernando of Moonspell, who played the 9:30 the night before us with Opeth. That was a nice surprise, wishing us luck. One of the highlights of the night, 9:30 club has a shower! Now, it may sound silly, but after playing multiple shows without a shower, you look forward to it like never before. The water pressure was so strong, it could almost take skin off. Simply heaven. I took one when we arrived, and one after we played. Heaven. The crowd was smaller then we expected, but let me tell you, one of the loudest of the tour. The fans in D.C. are amazing. They were into the show, and were there to have a good time. We did our best performance of the tour that night, and I have an amazing video of the set, that a friend from Chicago filmed for us. You'll see this video in one form or another soon enough. This was the last night of the tour, and after the show was over, all three bands were saying our good-byes and taking the full group pictures. From here, we headed out on the long ride back to Chicago, in hope of making it to the House of Blues to see our friends in Opeth and Moonspell!

DING-DONG we had a great time! [Again, you had to be there]

LOL thats great! I was signing a cd for someone and at the last minute I turned back and saw that we were actually taking the pic. Thats my guitar tech Willie behind me, listening to a message on his cell phone of our studio engineer Chris screaming "DING DONG MOTHERFUCKER!"

Notice the ladies from The Gathering are the only ones smart enough to wear thick warm winter coats...I was in envy of them while we were standing on the side of the road in Ohio, freezing our asses off outside of our broken down RV, grrrr....
And I'm going to take a quick moment here to acknowledge some people who helped us one way or the other on this excursion we set out on.

Our good friend Chris up at Studio One in Wisconsin for hooking us up and for providing late night comic relief with Ding-Dongs lol

All the cool long-time friends and supporters of the band who made it out to the shows, people like Tom, Amanda, Clint, Greg, and many others who stood by us. And anyone who bought cds or a shirt, thanks because you basically helped us to buy gas and get to the next city!

The wonderful clubs we played in each city, and the great promoters and crews who treated us professionally and friendly.

Andreas at The End Records who totally went out of his way to not only make sure things went smoothly for his own bands, but for us as well. He is a good hardworking person.

The members and crew of Agalloch, who we were pleased to see and watch perform each day. Sorry if we drove you guys nuts with our silly sense of humor! It's all in fun.

Last but not least, to The Gathering for being gracious and friendly to us, and for giving us respect and not treating us like the lowly openers!

And oh, before I forget, special thanks to Martii Payne, who helps us above and beyond the call of duty! Without your help and guidance we'd have been fucked many times over lol

Diiiiing DONG IM THIRSTY! Where's my bottle of Squirt?......
ACK! And I almost forgot to thank WILLIE GEE for going out with us, putting up with all of our bullshit, making sure we were in tune, carrying heavy equipment in freezing weather, helping out with the backline for the other two bands as well, and just generally looking out for our best interests, and doing it all pretty much out of the goodness of his heart.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
ACK! And I almost forgot to thank WILLIE GEE for going out with us, putting up with all of our bullshit, making sure we were in tune, carrying heavy equipment in freezing weather, helping out with the backline for the other two bands as well, and just generally looking out for our best interests, and doing it all pretty much out of the goodness of his heart.

And not ONCE in one weeks time did he sleep laying down. He slept in a chair, or seated position. Willie is THE MAN. We'd be screwed without him many times over that week. Just look at Toronto when he was watching our merch. Amps going out, strings breaking. Ugh.
And thanks to you guys for the performance. Despite the amount of effort it took me to actually catch a complete set over the last year, it was worth the effort.
It's been a few weeks now since returning home. The tour may have been a real nervewrecker at times with all the problems that occured, and I do want to continue finishing the songwriting for this new album, but I gotta say....

I'm about ready to go back out there and play, goddamn it LOL

West coast, anyone? South? Anyone?!
"We love playing in Boston, and this was no exception."

so would you guys be interested in playing here again with us? im trying to get a doom tour going here and i know we had talked about trying to do something when i spoke with you at the cambridge show. im thinking maybe like 4 or 5 gigs here in new england. maybe even hit new york

let me know

dan of bereavement said:
"We love playing in Boston, and this was no exception."

so would you guys be interested in playing here again with us? im trying to get a doom tour going here and i know we had talked about trying to do something when i spoke with you at the cambridge show. im thinking maybe like 4 or 5 gigs here in new england. maybe even hit new york

let me know


If the conditions are right, we'd be up for it, for sure. We love the east coast!
Novembers Paul said:
If the conditions are right, we'd be up for it, for sure. We love the east coast!

well i have spoken to evoken and they may be down also. i just got this idea so it will take some time to put together. everyone around here would love to see N.D. here again! just let me know what you would need as far as money and what month would be good. cheers to you!

-dan \m/