EBS - Destroying The World EP Release Party

Well, the dust is building up on the light bulbs, so I should partake in getting that task done. And the wiring under my computer desk really needs to be re-routed and tied up. Not to mention that the brake dust is really building up on the inside of my wheels. It is going to be a stretch... but I might be able to catch some of it if nothing else comes up.
Will Urban be doing any guest vocals that evening?

Haha as awesome as that would be, nope.
We do have some absolutely awesome surprises in store though!

They will be best for those who have followed us trough the years, but it is ultimately a thank you to the fans.

Make sure to make it, I will personally guarantee that you will not be disappointed. :kickass:
Since my car is identical to yours, will I get a totally awesome harmonic standing wave and be able to hear this, too? :lol:

(Shaye and I have almost identical Ford ZX2 cars. :kickass: )

Nope, sorry... I gave mine to my brother (which the little bastard then pawned) and bought a Focus last year. :)

Besides, I usually sing along in the car more than he does anyway, and you don't want to hear that. :p

I am so stoked for this show! How much time are you guys in EbS allotted for this set since you're the featured headliners this time around? See ya soon!
I am so stoked for this show! How much time are you guys in EbS allotted for this set since you're the featured headliners this time around? See ya soon!

I assume that is up to the crowd...we will stay up there for as long as everyone wants us up there I guess, or until we run out of things to do. :lol: