EBS - Destroying The World EP Release Party

We will let you know when we are up around there... haha.
Hopefully we can pull off an east coast thing soon.
Cheers until then, haha.
The whole world deserves to get the chance to see EbS in action! I've seen you guys play live thrice so far!:rock::kickass:

Go ye into all the world preaching the gospel of true metal, converting all souls who would heed the call, and then shall the end of days come!
Sorry if I missed it, but about what time do you think EbS will be hitting the stage? I'm sure we'll be there plenty early, but want to doublecheck. (Afternoon playoff game for the Falcons!)

Sidelines = sports bar = watching Falcons before show (with your friends even! I'd come watch there...) not a problem :)
"If you've enjoyed watching some guys bash eachother around on a field all afternoon, why not stay a while and watch some purty good rock'n'roll?" :heh:

--Or just put a big "This way to the egress --->" sign over the entrance to The Local. :)