EDGUY: Media Policy

Tobias Sammet sounds like a dead ringer for Bruce Dickinson sometimes... except that he does that vibrato thing far too much heheh.
There are miles better bands Southy, so spend your money elsewhere!

Can anyone who goes take my camera for me, and tell Edguy to stick it up their pompous, cheese-filled arses?
Originally posted by Winmar
There are miles better bands Southy, so spend your money elsewhere!

Can anyone who goes take my camera for me, and tell Edguy to stick it up their pompous, cheese-filled arses?

That would be pointless, the photos would be shit........
The photo thing didn't seem to apply as there were heaps of people taking photos even the band members posed every now and then or stayed in front of someone who was taking a photo so they could at least have a decent shot.
I think the rules may have been set more by Metal Warriors than anyone.
Originally posted by Goreripper

Why doesn't THAT surprise me?

My sentiments exactly.I was even lucky that it was the Dungeon crew that asked for a Media Pass for me as Steve Ravic and I don't really get along he seems to snob me a bit but handles it ok as I am good friends with the rest of the Metal Warriors crew i.e VP boys and the people they have wrking with them.
Hmmmm I think that Media Policy was a load of shit. Everyone was taking photos and nobody looked twice, except for the band members who just posed for them lol.
Originally posted by The Trooper
Hmmmm I think that Media Policy was a load of shit. Everyone was taking photos and nobody looked twice, except for the band members who just posed for them lol.

I have a feeling it was there to try and scare people not to bring their cameras so as then there would be a limited amount of stuff out.
I actually don't think the video camera policy is such a bad idea. I mean... these days LOTS of people have 'em, so you could potentially get like 20 people showing up wanting to shoot footage. Not that that's such a terrible thing... but it could get a bit ridiculous - the front row full of dudes with video cameras... instead of headbanging maniacs going crazy to the music.

Normal cameras would be different though. I can't really see why taking a few (or even a lot) of photos would be a big deal, again, unless some geezer rocked up unannounced with a ridiculous amount of gear and expected to get his choice of positions, backstage etc.

As for Steve Ravic... it's very rare for me to come out and say anything nice about someone, but I have to say that I think Steve is an absolute fucking legend. As a musician - he's about the only promoter I've ever had to deal with who didn't fuck me over, and NO ONE has done more for heavy metal music in this country than Steve has. No one!

So there :p