EFFF UUUUU Jazz owns my face.

Yeah, jazz players actually take their shit seriously and have the discipline to practice and this is just more proof of it.
95 per cent of metal 'musicians' have no fucking idea what they're doing really.
Not difficult to expect when half the thread is declaring one genre to be better than the other.
I'm not playing that card, I love jazz (fusion in particular, makes me feel naughty in the pants without fail) but come on, you can't sit here and start doling out judgement in sweeping generalisations and escape being called arrogant.

Fair enough if you don't like metal and think jazz is better, that's up to you, but when you start making calls about the level of competence inherent in 95% of anyone you're talking wholly and completely out of your ass, and have categorically dropped yourself to the level of intelligence that gets attributed to metal musicians around here.
Mmm, tasty fusion.

For the record i'm not declaring that any genre is better than any other, and i'm not bothered particularly bothered by anyone's level of competence.

im more referring to the egotism that is evident in a lot of metal, as if being able to chug a low C at 170bpm places one in the top-tier of music.

what kind of percentage those types make up isn't for me to say,
it may not even be a majority, but i see it a bit too often for my liking.
that could easily be a confirmation bias on my part though.
Mmm, tasty fusion.

For the record i'm not declaring that any genre is better than any other, and i'm not bothered particularly bothered by anyone's level of competence.

im more referring to the egotism that is evident in a lot of metal, as if being able to chug a low C at 170bpm places one in the top-tier of music.

what kind of percentage those types make up isn't for me to say,
it may not even be a majority, but i see it a bit too often for my liking.
that could easily be a confirmation bias on my part though.

I've really never come across that in any number that speaks to a trend, or at least a trend unique to metal musicians. Not in my local scene at least, here the dicks are the exception, especially within metal (it's old rocker types that make up the jerk quotient of local music here). Pretty much all of the bands we play with are really down to earth and personable. I can't really say about the internet, though I can't imagine metal folks being any more dickish on the whole than any other social segment of the cloud.

Sorry for the OT, I get irritable when I'm sick and I'm always stubborn when I have an axe to grind.
I lost you guys, no idea what you are talking about. I never said Jazz was better other than IMO I think it takes a tad more skill to pull some of it off (that doesn't necessarily mean "better" since better is subjective).

Either way he is sick as hell. His improve scat while he solos is amazing as well. The piano player was also fantastic, easily the best I have ever seen live.

It was funny however to be at least 30-40 years younger than everyone else in attendance. Tickets were $125 a pop and my wife got them for free since she works admin assistant to the owner of one of the companies that sponsored it. They served a catered meal with a cocktail hour prior to the show.

Fucking not my type of people, but fun non the less and free (well... sort of) alcohol is always win in my book.
TheDriller, Pizzarelli is great, but that is not fusion. it's jazz... more specifically, swing jazz.

THIS is some fusion:

Scott Henderson & Tribal Tech

Allan Holdsworth

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I lost you guys, no idea what you are talking about. I never said Jazz was better other than IMO I think it takes a tad more skill to pull some of it off (that doesn't necessarily mean "better" since better is subjective).

I reckon it's more to do with the "entry requirements" for metal musicians being a fair bit lower than for Jazz musicians.

Anyway, he is indeed an amazing player, in fact the whole band are on fire in that clip.

when you saw him live, what was the band configuration? drums/guitar,piano bass? or were there any woodwinds or brass at all?

EDIT : @ James, never said he was playing fusion, i was referring to Bekanors love of fusion in the post above mine :)
It was a set player, upright acoustic bass player, baby grand piano player (and yes they wheeled in a baby grand somehow for this outside show for them to use) and John on a 7 string electric.

Fucking crappy thing is I could not for the fuck of me figure out who the hell made his guitar. It very well could have been a custom job deal, but his capo (that he never used) was in the way of seeing any sort of marking on the headstock.
I reckon it's more to do with the "entry requirements" for metal musicians being a fair bit lower than for Jazz musicians.

Yeah I guess that's what I was saying. I played bass in a Jazz band in college and you could NOT be a dumbass musician. :lol:

If someone said "ok we will be playing in the key of _____" you had better be able to play some shit in that key without looking like :guh:.
Loren, some guitarists clamp a capo to their headstock to increase sustain, or otherwise subjectively improve the tone (i don't see sustain being an issue in Pizzarelli's style though). sort of like a Fat Finger.
I get what you're saying Loren, though I tend to think that sort of thing has more to do with building skills to suit purpose/application. More specifically, that it takes different skills to be a jazz player than a metal player, not so much more of less of them. Moreover I think you would encounter similar levels of bewilderment asking James Hetfield to score a big band arrangement as you would handing Djano Reinhardt an ESP and asking for a tech death song.