Election 2010

Not exactly...

Other than helping the Greens increase their presence in the Senate and House of Reps, you'll still effectively be supporting Labour. It's a glorious system :rolleyes:

The other annoying thing about our 'glorious system' is if you are voting in a marginal seat and you want to vote Greens but would also hate the Liberal candidate getting in over Labor, then it makes no sense to vote for the Greens candidate in the lower house. Relying on preferences to see it through to whichever you consider the lesser of the two Capitol/Capital 'L' evils only works if neither gets 51% of number '1' votes.

Preferences seem to give the illusion that an idealistic vote can still be an effective vote, when that isn't always so. That being said, better to have a preferential system than not.
Wayne Swan is my local member so it's going to be a wasted vote no matter who I vote for. Then again, I guess that's what the people of Benelong thought last time.
Well the Libs are looking a lot stronger than I expected at this point... fingers crossed, lots of pinkos will be voting Greens instead of Labor thinking an ALP win is still a foregone conclusion and that helps get Liberal over the line.

My biggest disappointment with this election is no input from Dän. Seems kinda... uneventful.
looks as though it will be a hung parliament, until the postal votes are counted and few other numbers are crunched

all we know is that it will be close
pretty much thanks to those stupid fuckers who donkey vote
Hung parliament gets us back to what the system was SUPPOSED to be.

people presenting and arguing bills on their merits, for the benefit of their constituents and not some party/pressure group belief system.

The two party system should be abolished.