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In any case, I hope we dont cut and run in Iraq, it would be disaster! :(

As opposed to the wonderful world of Disney thats there now?

The time for tough love with the Iraqi government is long overdue....Give them a time table to get their collective poop together and split soon after.

I'm just happy that Haliburton's meal ticket has ended.
It is a wonderful world of Disney compared to having the radical Islamics in control....

Anyway, on a fun note, here is a picture of one of my buddies showing what the difference is between the men and the boys!!!


I'm a Libertarian but I always vote Republican, they come the closest to supporting my views. The Libertarian party isn't big enough to win any races yet, although we had a Libertarian (female) that gave Ted Kennedy a good run in 2000 I believe.
This party is pro-gun, for small government, in favor of legalizing marijuana, for gay rights, they basically are for all personal liberties, with no agenda that shuns any personal liberties.

The Republicans are pro-gun and supposedly for small government, pro-life, and are against gay rights,
Democrats are for gay rights, large government (they want more control) and are generally anti 2nd Amendment (that interferes with their plans for total control) so in a nutshell both parties discriminate.

Libertarian is the way to go but they need more support. The Constitution party is another good one.
Dems take the majority in the Senate after finalizing the count in Virginia...

Think we'll see the indictments/censure/impeachment come into play in March or April?
What do you guys think of the Libertarian party? Check out:

Just curious because we don't hear too much about it. Don't be afraid to be honest! :) It's great getting different points of view from everyone!

Hmmmm took the quiz and scored high as a Libertarian.:u-huh:

Typed a bunch of stuff but as Darth said kinda treading water with the political stuff.
Neither side is 100% correct on everything and neither side can accept or admit that fact.

FWIW I register as independant. Screw affiliation with the bozos on either extreme. I don't want any more political junk mail than I already get.

Libertarians have some great concepts, freedom to own property, freedom to associate, fair tax, prosperity, individualism and self achievement and small government control over you life; but they fail to recognize the war withy the fanatical religion, but you can't fight that with belief in nothing. Like Democrats they don’t recognize the enemy as radical Islam, but are at war with the tactic, not the enemy.
So Darthrya,

When are you going to cure that leg problem? :)

Come on man get your ass off to Airborne School! If you do, I will personally fly out to Georgia and pin some wings on you @ fryar DZ! :kickass:

C-130 rolling down the strip,
Airborne daddy gonna take a little trip.
Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door,
Jump right out and count to four.
Now if my main don't open wide,
I've got a reserve by my side.
If that one should fail me too,
Look out ground I'm a comming through!
Well, I slip to my left and I slip to my right,
I slip on down to a firefight!
And we're hey hey All the Way!
Airborne Everyday!
Wow, and I thought you could not get any more offensive. I'm thoroughly impressed here. Nice job. I don't care if you're trying to be funny, but there is a difference between making a point while crossing the line, and being just offensive.

Can we have a nice debate without you spouting some FreePer talking point? We care about national security. We don't want to lose the war on terror (although fighting terror with... errr... terror, creates more... TERROR). We want a change in course, because the map we are following appears to lead on the straight road to absolutely NOWHERE. Even the President yesterday was saying that Democrats are just as concerned as he is about National Security. The election is over, balance of power has returned. Checks and Balances and that old piece of paper, the one with those "blue" rights, The Constitution, the President ignored for the last 5 years, will be front and center. No more rubber stamping of the President's policies. And believe it or not, there won't be a gay Mexican invasion looking to get married in Mass. Get over it, enough with the ridiculous name-calling. Now let's get some work done.

Now, I reiterate my offer of a private debate (darkestm@darkestmatter.com). Let's keep the mood of this place as nice as possible. Although we may have a difference of opinion, I do believe we can be respectful of one another, while at the same time, having a healthy debate about the issues which affect us all.

Perfectly said. I guess I wasn't the only one offended by posts such as this.
Did you notice all the America hating dictators and third world countries are praising the election? America is toast, sorry but everyone hates her, yes even Iran hates us too.
I see how things work here, if something offends me it doesn't matter, but when I make a truthful statement it's removed because the weak minded are somehow offended. Fuck this place, I'm gone. I'm not part of the little west coast clique so I'm the leper here. Admin delete my profile please.
Since I'm not the mod I don't know what happened here with regards to your comment, SR. But I have to say I'm saddened that it has come to this. :cry:

I don't want to see anyone leave here in anger. This forum and this band is about unity through great music and should be a haven from all the divisiveness and ugliness out there. Speaking for myself, I don't want our boards to become just like the rest of the world - a place to fight with each other about things that are really simply personal beliefs. Please everyone, can't we just agree to disagree and leave the political rhetoric at the door?
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