Elite 8 Results (RC March Metal Madness)

I would say Hammers of Misfortune is the more creative and impressive musical work by quite a bit. But I voted for D666 because of its relevance to my common listening habits. I honestly did not imagine it winning over HoM. On the other hand, I believe Diadem of 12 Stars is easily superior to Blood In Our Wells, but didn't expect it get as far as it did either.

Edit - It's a fucking hell hole. Northern Cal is pretty nice but central & southern California can fuck off and die.

:Sigh: I'm having a hard time walking out the front door nowadays. So many disgusting rancheros sporting locs and neck tats for my book. Can we just have an earthquake already?!?! :erk:

Just 20 minutes ago as I was driving home, these 2 filthy guadalajaran jalapapis literally park in the middle of an intersection to check out 2 females who could not have been a day past 13. Go the fuck home you filthy fucks!!!! Vincente Fox is a modern day Abraham Lincoln. Both of those cunts couldn't give a damn whether my ancestors, myself, or my offspring for that matter, live in a world surrounded by filth! FTW!!! FTW to hell! :mad:
/\ Come out and room with me on the soutwest gulf coast of Florida. Tons o' room, impeccably landscaped neighboorhod and 99% the opposite of the picture you described above. :rock:

Dude, are you telling me that there's a place on this continent where the White men reign?!?! Free from lowly rancheros, in the absence of arboreal residing welfaratangues, without a wigger in a 50 mile radius?!?! Get my quarters ready!!! :kickass:
I'm ultimately fine with it it too. I own every damned album in the sweet sixteen, let alone the elite eight, for me, it's not like I don't think every album isn't excellent or at least quality. I just know in my brain how I rank things.
Yeah, as landmark releases go, D666 is hardly that head turning / revolutionary. I also voted for Drudkh, but I don't think it deserves to make the semi-finals either -- specifically in terms of defining the best album released thus far in this decade. No way, it's not even better than Autumn Aurora.

That said, if we ever do a "best debut" tournament, I can imagine Wolves in the Throne Room going very far indeed.

Of the last 4 remaining, the only 2 albums I think deserve garnering the status of "best release this decade" are probably Negura or Agalloch.
Yeah, but we're voting for which album we think is better, not which is more head turning/revolutionary, or whether or not it's a band's defining moment.