Eluveitie Announces US Headlining Tour

I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic or not, haha.

Either way, I would actually also have thought that 3IoB would be the biggest name there ... (of course based on the fact that I like them, and not Eluveitie, hahaha - j/k)

I actually wasnt being sarcastic. I mean 3IoB has been scheduled to play in Kansas now 6 times I think, however they have canceled 3 times I think. where as Eluveitie has never been with 5 hours driving of playing kansas anyway. So all their touring elsewhere is probably give 3IoB the best response of the night since I am sure almost no one will know who Eluveitie is.
So you actually WATCHED / LISTENED TO this band before commenting on them?

Hell no. I am not into gimmick metal.
Though I do read reviews and listen to other's account.
Each time someone has seen this band, the immediate response is how fun and energetic they are live. This stuff just isn't my cup of tea.
Based on the reactions I hear they get, I can see why a promoter gave them a headlining slot with an established band such as Three Inches of Blood as support.
It's true because they stole the show from most tours they previously opened on. The same can not be said for most bands previously discussed in the EPIC thread! As Zod said though, keep this on track.....

It is very true.....when they first hit our shores on the first paganfest tour they were virtually unknown unless you followed the folk metal scene and even there they were really not a name yet. They blew everyone off stage almost every night from what I read and saw. Thier next tour was a smart one with Keep of Kalissen and Kataklysm, which they were able to play for a different crowd. Then they came the next tour with Alestorm and Vreid. All three tours were solid package tours. Strong word of mouth and quality music is what pushed them. With the lack of the twins in the band the excitement of even going to see this tour is nil for me. They bored me the second time I saw them. I dont see this tour doing to well. With so many other tours hitting that month competition will be tough.
Hell no. I am not into gimmick metal.
Though I do read reviews and listen to other's account.
Each time someone has seen this band, the immediate response is how fun and energetic they are live. This stuff just isn't my cup of tea.
Based on the reactions I hear they get, I can see why a promoter gave them a headlining slot with an established band such as Three Inches of Blood as support.

Gimmick metal? I dont get what the gimmick is. Sure they use classic instruments along with thier guitars and drums. Is it as much as a gimmick than playing an old genre and trying to make it look cool and hip like the doom metalers?
I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic or not, haha.

Either way, I would actually also have thought that 3IoB would be the biggest name there ... (of course based on the fact that I like them, and not Eluveitie, hahaha - j/k)

Agreed. 3IoB have been on some significant tours, but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that their last album wasn't received well. I personally can't say whether or not it's good or not as I haven't listened to it, but I love their first three. I could be wrong on this, but I seem to remember they were either going to do a headline tour or were going to be attached to a good tour and cancelled due to them not being able to go on the road in the winter in the US.
but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that their last album wasn't received well. I personally can't say whether or not it's good or not as I haven't listened to it, but I love their first three.

I've seen that comment a lot - but it's actually the one of their discs I keep going back to. At first I wasn't crazy for it either, but there's something about it ...
Gimmick to me would be any band that relies more on aesthetics than music to gain attention. Sorry, but many folk / viking bands fall into this. Sure, some doom bands, like Electric Wizard and Cathedral who dress full on 70s style, would fall in this as well, even though I like them a lot.

You would call the doom bands who dress like this a "gimmick", yet you defend a band such as TURISAS as NOT having a gimmick?
I've seen that comment a lot - but it's actually the one of their discs I keep going back to. At first I wasn't crazy for it either, but there's something about it ...

And a lot of probably why it wasn't received well is that they got rid of the growler, which honestly is fine by me. I don't hate growling like a lot of people on here, but I'll take clean vocals over growling any day of the week, whereas a lot of the "mainstream metal" audience prefer it, which I will probably never understand.
Gimmick to me would be any band that relies more on aesthetics than music to gain attention. Sorry, but many folk / viking bands fall into this. Sure, some doom bands, like Electric Wizard and Cathedral who dress full on 70s style, would fall in this as well, even though I like them a lot.

You would call the doom bands who dress like this a "gimmick", yet you defend a band such as TURISAS as NOT having a gimmick?

That is a very subjective thing to say. Sure, I agree bands like Turisas and Eluviette have that image thing going, but I personally like the music as well. Now, I would agree that probably these bands wouldn't have the same popularity if they didn't have the image, but I wouldn't say that the image is overpowering some of the music of said bands.
Time to get my popcorn ready. :popcorn:

no...that statement drives me nuts....it is the same thing....

guys start a band....they say lets write in this kind of style. Lets say folk metal. They like those bands in that genre. It is a style they chose to play in. They know a few guys who can play old world instruments. They get some fur boots and armor and are set to play live.

then we have.... guys start a band. They like the old Sabbath sound. They decide after drinking some PBR's that they want to play some doomish / sabbath inspired stuff. They by some used clothes from a thrift store or from Urban Outfiters. After working thier bike messenger jobs they practice a few times and play some shows.

Looks like the same scenario to me.
Wow... these threads keep taking odd turns.

As for the image thing, to me it's an image if it's not how the musicians dress in real life. The greater the departure, from something you'd leave your house wearing to go hang out with friends, the more critical the image is to who and what the band is.
Hell no. I am not into gimmick metal.
Though I do read reviews and listen to other's account.
Each time someone has seen this band, the immediate response is how fun and energetic they are live. This stuff just isn't my cup of tea.
Based on the reactions I hear they get, I can see why a promoter gave them a headlining slot with an established band such as Three Inches of Blood as support.

Eluveitie also has 4 albums out over 4 years. It's not a fair comparison to the band in the other thread's 1. Not to mention yeah, I don't think you can use the "quality" argument for them either since the band is basically Dark Tranquillity with folk instruments instead of keyboards, imo anyways, but see how it gets subjective? When "Spirit" came out (and made my top 20 of 2006) I thought they were cool, but I did not care for "Slania" at all. I guess I just got tired of what they were doing fast.
3 Inches of Blood is the best band on this tour. This isn't even my opinion. It's a fact!!! Killer band.

They do seem to have dropped off the map lately. I didn't even know they put out a new record.
I just figured 3IoB would be headlining since they have done tours of the US I just assumed they were bigger, but I guess not.

Yeah, I'd be curious to see comparative CD sales figures. I like both bands, but I thought 3IoB had a general larger buzz about them.

3 Inches of Blood is the best band on this tour. This isn't even my opinion. It's a fact!!! Killer band.

Quit trying to stir up the puddin'! :heh:

They do seem to have dropped off the map lately. I didn't even know they put out a new record.

Me either. Maybe they changed labels or agencies?
Yeah, I'd be curious to see comparative CD sales figures. I like both bands, but I thought 3IoB had a general larger buzz about them.

Eluveitie - Everything Remains (As It Never Was) - 1,600 First Week

3 Inches Of Blood - Here Waits Thy Doom - 2,300 First Week
3 Inches Of Blood - Fire Up The Blades - 5,300 First Week

So it seems that 3 Inches of Blood's latest album sold less than half of it's predecessor. That's a big drop off. Their newest album was released on Century Media, while the previous two were on Roadrunner.

Eluveitie's latest was their first to chart in the U.S. so obviously the few tours that they've had over here have been successful in that people are starting to catch on to them.