
I like some of the hardcore bands that incorporate emo into their sound such as .hopesfall. and Poison the Well. But as far straight emo, no.

Power metal is far worse than emo.
Hardcore? :puke:

Hardcore is terrible. Nothing but a bunch of dumbfucks trying to assert their 'machoness'. I don't buy it. It's trendy crap, and it's scene is filled with trendy bald-headed doo-rag wearing poseurs. Play some fucking metal, or go play your own shows. I'm tired of hardcore bands playing with metal bands. Hardcore sucks my left nut.
People never fail to amaze me with their ignorance. 99% of the time, individuals who "hate hardcore", really know jack-all about the genre. All they know is that "it's filled with wanna-be tough guys trying to show off their machismo" and their fans are "stupid pussies who fight in the pit". Shut up already. Anyone who completely writes off a genre simply based on its fans isn't worthy of any music. Based on this mentality, I should totally shun Opeth because most of the band's fans are ass-kissing fanboys.

Seriously, I love hardcore/metalcore/noisecore and really none of these bands I listen to have "macho" lyrics. I'd really like to know what bands people base this "machismo" on. Chances are the band sucks, was part of the early 90's era of hardcore/metalcore, or you're full of shit.

You're talking about lyrics. Have you people ever read power metal lyrics? Do I need to say more?
I've never been clear on what the fuck emo is, I know I don't like Dashboard Confessional and they're pretty explicitly considered it, but can't say I've heard anything and so reserve judgement on the genre in its entirety.

I also find making a thread on how a "genre totally sucks d3wd" to scream "I am SOOOOOO cool, like me.


Though perhaps this isn't the case, strikes me as such...
Like I said, I'm not a fan of straight-up emo, but I'd rather listen to those "whining pansies" than some dudded up flamer in leather pants singing about Dungeons and Dragons.
FangsFirst said:
I also find making a thread on how a "genre totally sucks d3wd" to scream "I am SOOOOOO cool, like me.


Though perhaps this isn't the case, strikes me as such...

It wasn't the case, mostly because I have no need for attention and coolness on a message board. I simply made a thread about something I was thinking about and was also curious about other's opinions on it.

Please think before you type next time.
Evan84 said:
It wasn't the case, mostly because I have no need for attention and coolness on a message board. I simply made a thread about something I was thinking about and was also curious about other's opinions on it.

Please think before you type next time.

Still, it's an entire genre, which I doubt ANYONE has heard all of, and I think it's pretty stupid to classify all of it without knowing all of it.
I don't want to get into an argument.
Evan84 said:
It wasn't the case, mostly because I have no need for attention and coolness on a message board. I simply made a thread about something I was thinking about and was also curious about other's opinions on it.

Please think before you type next time.

I'm afraid I thought the same thing as Fangsfirst. No offense, but newbies usually make a thread about something they dislike, whether it be nu-metal, emo, or pop music.