
Dreamlord said:
Anyone who completely writes off a genre simply based on its fans isn't worthy of any music. Based on this mentality, I should totally shun Opeth because most of the band's fans are ass-kissing fanboys.

Actually, I wrote the genre off because of the music. The breakdowns are annoying. The whole 'cutting to clean guitar' doesn't fit most of the time. Lots of recent hardcore bands have been ripping off the SwedishDM sound, which has already been battered to death. The music is simple and the songs are tailored more towards being 'good mosh songs', rather than actually being able to stand on their own.

Now add to the bad music, the terrible people it brings in. People who go to shows for the sole purpose of moshing and showing everyone how great they 'slam-dance'. People who are assholes and manage to start a fight at every show they go to. Typically, poseurs who are only there for 'scene points'.

And trust me, I'm not ignorant when it comes to hardcore one bit. I live in NYC, which obviously is very close to Mass. Not only do we get some of them coming down here, but I also go see shows in Mass. from time to time and get it there too. I've been exposed to plenty of hardcore. More than I would have ever wanted to be exposed to.
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Also, emo tends to be slower, sometimes acoustic based music, in which the lyrics normally have to do with things like "the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend" or how their lives are so wonderful because of said girlfirend/boyfriend. It can also be about not having the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend.
Aha! in that case, at least in the cases of those bands, I can't say I'm a big fan, but I rarely hear it so I don't worry about it *shrug*
Beast In Flames said:
I think you already did :tickled:
I tend to be able to get myself out of those things, cause I really don't like them on these subjects...

Dreamlord said:
I'm afraid I thought the same
thing as Fangsfirst. No offense, but newbies usually make a thread about something they dislike, whether it be nu-metal, emo, or pop music.

Of course, I didn't...but then my first post was probably some inane crap that was incoherent and mildly funny at best, so I guess I don't get bonus points.
Evan84 said:
Also, emo tends to be slower, sometimes acoustic based music, in which the lyrics normally have to do with things like "the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend" or how their lives are so wonderful because of said girlfirend/boyfriend. It can also be about not having the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend.

Is slow music bad? Is acoustic music bad? Are lyrics about a b/f or g/f bad?
-Desecrated- said:
Actually, I wrote the genre off because of the music. The breakdowns are annoying. The whole 'cutting to clean guitar' doesn't fit most of the time. Lots of recent hardcore bands have been ripping off the SwedishDM sound, which has already been battered to death. The music is simple and the songs are tailored more towards being 'good mosh songs', rather than actually being able to stand on their own.

See, you're listening to the wrong bands. Most of the Victory Records artist are ripping off the tired Swedish sound such as Darkest Hour. But I've hardly heard a metal band that can match the sheer intensity of Converge, or a doom band that can match the suicidal sounds of Today is the Day, or any band that can match the sonic bludgeoning of Neurosis.

Now add to the bad music, the terrible people it brings in. People who go to shows for the sole purpose of moshing and showing everyone how great they 'slam-dance'. People who are assholes and manage to start a fight at every show they go to. Typically, poseurs who are only there for 'scene points'.

I've seen fist fights at metal shows. Assholes are everywhere. They aren't restricted only for hardcore.
Forget hardcore - here's some fucking METAL from Mass. Ascendancy are going to be playing live for some local internet radio station on Return to the Pit. They're a great band from Mass, and I'm not just saying that because one of the band members is a good friend of mine. Tune in, and listen to some technical/brutal death fucking metal. It starts in a minute or two(midnight eastern time).

http://www.returntothepit.com/ Click on 'nun raping radio' on top right corner, and then when it takes you to the next page click "Now, Live".

This shameless, but not quite 'self'-promotion has been brought to you by - Me.
Dreamlord said:
See, you're listening to the wrong bands. Most of the Victory Records artist are ripping off the tired Swedish sound such as Darkest Hour.
Oh well.
I didn't listen to swedish stuff to death because metal is recent for me, and I happened to find them and enjoyed the lyrics of the new album as being socially conscious and just enjoyed the music in general from the last two albums as well.

course they call them "metalcore" anyway...
when people say "hardcore", they are pretty much including metalcore. I am aware they are different but hardcore haters lump then together, so I go with it to avoid confusing them.
I can't stand emo at all. Makes me cringe just thinking about it. I could make a list of all the bands that I hate and why, but it'd be too long. Since this thread is also incorporating hardcore, the only hardcore band I like is Dillinger Escape Plan. I consider them closer to deathcore (death metal/hardcore). Quite complex/brilliant stuff.