
I'm a chick and I have to say, 'emo' guys crack me up. Guys in tight pants...oh man, they kill me! That and the quirky haircuts...and emo seems to be the current trend at my stupid school, so I have quite the opportunity to laugh...

I will admit I *used* to listen to Further Seems Forever, and I still listen to New Found Glory. I found Coheed and Cambria interesting...for about three seconds. Not their music, but the concept behind "In Keeping Secrets Of Whatever-The-Hell-It-Was: 2."

I also used to like My Chemical Romance (Don't ask me why, I really couldn't tell you. Gerard Way does some of the most whiny vocals I have ever heard in my life). They sing about murder all the time, though, and I'm not sure if they count as 'emo' per se.

I've heard Thursday, Thrice, and Underoath. They're pretty interchangeable as far as I'm concerned, but if I had to pick the one I disliked least, I think it would have to be Thrice.

As far as I'm concerned, Dashboard Confessional just flat-out sucks. No two ways about it.
NeverIsForever said:
I'm a chick and I have to say, 'emo' guys crack me up. Guys in tight pants...oh man, they kill me! That and the quirky haircuts...and emo seems to be the current trend at my stupid school, so I have quite the opportunity to laugh...

I will admit I *used* to listen to Further Seems Forever, and I still listen to New Found Glory. I found Coheed and Cambria interesting...for about three seconds. Not their music, but the concept behind "In Keeping Secrets Of Whatever-The-Hell-It-Was: 2."

I also used to like My Chemical Romance (Don't ask me why, I really couldn't tell you. Gerard Way does some of the most whiny vocals I have ever heard in my life). They sing about murder all the time, though, and I'm not sure if they count as 'emo' per se.

I've heard Thursday, Thrice, and Underoath. They're pretty interchangeable as far as I'm concerned, but if I had to pick the one I disliked least, I think it would have to be Thrice.

As far as I'm concerned, Dashboard Confessional just flat-out sucks. No two ways about it.

Thrice isnt emo. They are hard rock/metal
i would like to take this aportunaty to say that emo is the scum of the music industry and that every time i hear an emo song i want to spit, spit in the face of these ass clowns that made the crap that is spueing out of my radio. and i would also like to state that all of you bitches that said that you like emo, are fucking idiots and that you should all be castrated and thrown to wild wolves.
thank you
Warheart666 said:
Emo basically means emotional. It doesn't always have to be break up songs, though many of them are. Quite a few of them are political, others and dealing with all sorts of feelings. Some others, such as Coheed and Cambria, write nothing about feelings, but about some crazy science fiction story they created. Metal is much more instrument based, while emo has heavy emphasis on lyrics.

Co & Ca are not emo. They are prog rock.

And emo has an emphasis on lyrics? You don't know emo. The Casket Lottery definitely have an emphasis on music, especially when they drop the vocals all together and start playing math rock-esque technical passages.

Here's some excellent emo albums to educate you saps:

At the Drive-In - In/Casino/Out
Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Boysetsfire - After the Eulogy
The Casket Lottery - Choose Bronze
The Casket Lottery - Survival is for Cowards
Thursday - Waiting
Thursday - Full Collapse
AlphaTemplar said:
Any genre of music has lots of bad radio bands. Emo is no exception. I like Thrice (though I consider them softcore hardcore) and can tolerate Brand New, Thursday, and Hawthorne Heighs if I have to. Coheed in Cambria, Newfound Glory, Dashboard Confessional, and the like I dislike with passion.

Why would you stupidly include Coheed and Cambria in that list, showing your musical ignorance? Co & Ca sound more like Rush than any band you have mentioned in this thread. They sound like a mix of Rush and Iron Maiden with a bit of Jimmy Eat World and Smashing Pumpkins, but largely Iron Maiden (they are huge fans) and Rush.
Thread starter said it himself. It's a craze, and it won't last because it doesn't have the staying power. I've yet to hear an emo song that would be remembered in 20 years time.
Emo started in, what, the mid 80s... so how the fuck is it a recent trend? Shit, Rites of Spring's debut album came out in 1985 and it is still remembered and still gets fans to this day, although their later band Fugazi is far more well-known. Saying that an emo song won't be remembered in 20 years is not only ignorance, but demonstrably false, as there are 20 year old emo songs that are still remembered.
I like some emocore. Stuff like A Static Lullaby, Stutterfly...stuff like that. And I like hardcore. I'm certainly not edge though. :erk: