Emperor WTF?

Papa Josh said:
I'm laughing at you thinking I swindled money from anybody. Swindle would imply that they got ripped off.

swin·dle Audio pronunciation of "swindle" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (swndl)
v. swin·dled, swin·dling, swin·dles
v. tr.

1. To cheat or defraud of money or property.
2. To obtain by fraudulent means: swindled money from the company.
Décadent said:
Someone here had the Prometheus picLP I think. Could they post a pic of it, I'm unable to find one and I remember it being really cool looking and shit.

I've got one but my photographic means suck. let me see if I can find some pictures
couldn't find any better pictures I made some new ones. They suck, but you get the idea:


The lyrics are spiraled around on the back like on the inside of the CD tray insert. Looks rather neat.
swin·dle Audio pronunciation of "swindle" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (swndl)
v. swin·dled, swin·dling, swin·dles
v. tr.

1. To cheat or defraud of money or property.
2. To obtain by fraudulent means: swindled money from the company.

Funny you took enough of your time to go look that up and copy and paste. Glad to see it bothers you that much. :grin:

And again, they got their money back in a timely manner and a free cd out of it, so where is the problem? I haven't seen that person post that they feel ripped off or demeaned or anything.

Move along, jockboy.:muahaha: :flame:
Crimson Velvet said:
Meh, Emperor is a good live act, but I wouldn't pay the enormous Inferno price if there wasn't anything else to tickle my interest.

yeah, but usually the line up is good enough that i'd love to go. Depending upon which bands are there, it might become mandatory.

Besides, i'd like to have a vaction for the first time in my entire life (never had one). Especially since I'll be finishing college this year and will need to pay down the disgusting volume of student loan debt, plus car payments and such so I won't be able to go for a vacation for at least another year or two once I start working.

hehe, i should find me a "traveller's guide to german" book and start reading it before i go. Maybe hook up with the German friend of the family and get him to help my pronunciation and such.
Well I have nothin' to do with you being forced out, but I have trouble understanding why you'd want to continue going somewhere knowing that you annoy many of the patrons of said place. MOST of us didn't do anything to you personally, besides exchange words on the web. So why not just leave us alone instead of coming in here and by the looks of it trying to start arguments? It ruins the nice, happy atmosphere of RC!
Demilich said:
Well I have nothin' to do with you being forced out, but I have trouble understanding why you'd want to continue going somewhere knowing that you annoy many of the patrons of said place. MOST of us didn't do anything to you personally, besides exchange words on the web. So why not just leave us alone instead of coming in here and by the looks of it trying to start arguments? It ruins the nice, happy atmosphere of RC!

Actually, I didn't start shit. Erik made some smart ass comment about MSR and us listening to Shadows Fall and Pantera, and that wasn't even on the RC board. I promised Evil C I wouldn't start a war with the RC corpse, and I didn't, Erik started talking shit first, guess he has nothing better to do....

I was a member of the UM community before RC was born and everyone was hanging out at Appropriate Apocalypse (RIP).... and the key words used above: "annoy many" (not all), now having said that, can we go back to talking about Emperor? :guh: