Enough said


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
a_silent_enigma said:
Happy Birthday Danny from someone overseas (United States)!! I'm really glad you were put on this earth for you have done so much more than just create phenomenal music. I listened to Anathema the majority of my teenage years and I wouldn't have had much to believe in if it wasn't for your incredible abilities. I know you like to be modest about your music, but I think you've reached a certain place in life that very few people have gotten to and I commend you for that. From the very beginning with "An illiad of woes" to "A Natural Disaster", there were songs along the way that sent shivers down my spine because they reached an emotional level that was so intense it was like a spiritual experience. I still enjoy listening to all Anathema's albums and I hope I will be able to meet you and the band someday and see you perform. :D :worship: :headbang: :wave:

I was being sarcastic.

There are limits to fanboyism don't you think ?

"I'm really glad you were put on this earth for you have done so much more than just create phenomenal music" ----> Glory to the new born King

"I think you've reached a certain place in life that very few people have gotten to and I commend you for that" -----> It's sad when you consider a musician you don't even know as one of the closest persons in your life. Plus the use of the verb 'commend' woooooooooooohohohohoohohoh

"they reached an emotional level that was so intense it was like a spiritual experience" -----> God must be Danny's muse, deffo...

+ The guy tends to forget that Danny isn't the only one who wrote songs for Anathema. That's all
I met some Americans last night, very nice folks. Never though I'd see a Dane get angry at an American for being against Bush, this on dude from my mate's school did. Very surreal.
But if this is strictly for posts that startled you on other boards, here's on from the Kata one:

"Originally Posted by Vorthex
mmm.... out of the subject.

Why somebody falls illogically inlove, and gets so focused that it can't see beyond and it's blinded by that feeling????. Maybe it's a need, maybe it's a curse...

Why even knowing that it's not possible it tries and tries against all??? why somebody can continues with this as the most masochist one???. And hearing behind the walls and imaging all what it could happen behind that wall.

It is not fair!!! It is maybe my fault because I know what it is all about and I don't do anything regarding it... I'm going to cry... fuckkkkkk!!!

Maybe it's time to end... and maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all... sfdgsdfyhubtpevfgshbe-73567msdifgmrtjksmhlk;sndlfkhsfgdlfs;;;;;dlkfnmrt; bv

sorry... I'm frankly depress.

PD. Could somebody tell me if suicide is not so bad???"