EOR and Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday


New Metal Member
Jul 24, 2003
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(i've been a lurker here for about a year now... never been moved to post before. cheers everybody.)

if i might venture an opinion totally out of nowhere...

Century Media is blatantly escalating the fuck-with-Nevermore-on-their-last-album stuff if they don't release Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday as a single and try to get some spins on college radio. I picked up EOR today on a stroke of luck... plan 9 had ONE (count em.. one...) copy in the general rock (N) section... after about four listens i started frantically digging through my CD collection because i'm thinking this might be the most incredibly -COMPLETE- album i've ever heard. Beyond just the general awesomeness of this accomplishment... whats messing me up is this... I can't think of another record with a song that -could- -conceivably- fit in a hard rock radio rotation right next to a bunch of songs that are heavier than a good bit of out and out death metal, and sure as hell i've never heard it fit anywhere near as well.

i am NOT crying sellout... on the contrary... i am saying they've mastered subtleties unknown to us all!

and what the FUCK got into Loomis on this album... i mean... good GOD... the guitarists among us, myself included, always knew that he was capable of this stuff, and he's shown it quite often before... that was never in question... but.... WOAH.... way to fucking destroy my opinion of my playing......

Dreaming Neon Black should have been released as a single also. And I don't believe they released it as a single, did they?
regression said:
(i've been a lurker here for about a year now... never been moved to post before. cheers everybody.)
Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
Century Media is blatantly escalating the fuck-with-Nevermore-on-their-last-album stuff if they don't release Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday as a single and try to get some spins on college radio.
You know...I almost have to agree outright. I loved the song prior to buying the album, but once I read the lyrics, it's so understatedly dark, it'd be a coup to get it on the airwaves. I remember the response I got playing "Veil of Deception" on my morning show. College radio would be the perfect venue. I wonder how many singles they're going to squeeze out of this album. I figure EOR would be the logical first one, with "I, Voyager," TTIY and "Seed Awakening" being other choices.... dunno...

I picked up EOR today on a stroke of luck... plan 9 had ONE (count em.. one...) copy in the general rock (N) section...
CD Connection had "In Memory" in general rock right between the Neville Brothers and No Doubt...not even in alphabetical order...however, I had to ask for EOR. They had one, though and she knew exactly what I wanted. Sooooo, I did not have to rant and scream.

after about four listens i started frantically digging through my CD collection because i'm thinking this might be the most incredibly -COMPLETE- album i've ever heard. Beyond just the general awesomeness of this accomplishment... whats messing me up is this... I can't think of another record with a song that -could- -conceivably- fit in a hard rock radio rotation right next to a bunch of songs that are heavier than a good bit of out and out death metal, and sure as hell i've never heard it fit anywhere near as well.
I'm not sure what to do with this because on the one hand, I think you've got a point. On the other hand, I don't know if it's perfect or not. If Nuomenon were track 9, "Seed Awakening" was track 1, EOR track 8...sorry, I get really hung up on track listings and the effect it has on the mood that the overall album exudes. I messed with the EOR track listing and agree that it's fantastic as an album. I still don't know if it's perfect or not. I don't know if we've had the perfect metal album, yet. Some folks say "Master of Puppets" is...I don't know about that, either...maybe I shouldn't post AFTER benadryl...

I would say that TTIY rates right up there with "Matricide" in my book of neigh-on-perfect metally ballads. "Seed Awakening" just slays. It, to me, rivals "The Fall of Sipledome" for the perfect thrash closer/opener(depending where you put it in the track listing...).

i am NOT crying sellout... on the contrary... i am saying they've mastered subtleties unknown to us all!
Presactly. They've expanded the question. :)

and what the FUCK got into Loomis on this album... i mean... good GOD... the guitarists among us, myself included, always knew that he was capable of this stuff, and he's shown it quite often before... that was never in question... but.... WOAH.... way to fucking destroy my opinion of my playing......
Rocket Shot. Right, Will??
Yeah, after St. Anger was released, I got so ticket off I dug out the 4 track and started writing, 'cause I felt I could do better. Then I listened to EOR... I've started REwriting...sure sucks being humbled halfway through the writing proces. :loco:
not to my knowledge... Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday i think is a lot catchier as a whole, compared with DNB, which grabs me with subtleties and then just Warrel's unbelievable performance. and that slap into the chorus in Dreaming Neon Black could kill small children who aren't expecting it, hehe...
regression said:
not to my knowledge... Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday i think is a lot catchier as a whole, compared with DNB, which grabs me with subtleties and then just Warrel's unbelievable performance. and that slap into the chorus in Dreaming Neon Black could kill small children who aren't expecting it, hehe...
It's funny, though...these are the two songs my 4-year old knows, loves and asks for constantly...although I've caught him singing along to "Never Purify" a couple of times. Nothing like hearing little kids say, "self immolation." :hotjump:
HAHAHAHA little kids saying self immolation... that's a leeeetle weird...

i can see opening with Seed Awakening and closing with Noumenon->EOR, but on the other hand EOR does well as a lead guitar onslaught for the opening track... first thing that struck me about the tracklisting was that TTIY and Who Decides are timed and spaced -perfectly-.

heh... self immolation... yeah i think never purify is gonna be the one stuck in my head the most.