Re Equalize your own copy of EoR

Unregisteredude said:
stop patting yourself on the back dude.what is the big deal with your average 5 minute job???


Since your soo eager to start shit, why dont you go plead your case with darth? Hes intelect blows mine away. Im waiting.........

Shut up already
The Frozen One said:
Where the hell can I even download this program? I tried and it wouldn't work...

go here:

and you'll find full versions of both cool edit pro and sonar. If you like the software then i highly recommend that you eventually buy yourself a copy.

This should be a direct attack to the producer Kelly Gray and whoever else is in charge of the sound quality of this cd.

It's absolutely crazy that you can finalise and distribute a cd of this horrible quality in 2003 !

Kelly Gray I hope you feel like a fool cause you certainly are!

Crappiest sounding metal cd of the year!
Did you people ever wonder that maybe the fact that you're listening to MP3 files is coloring your hearing?

WTF good does it do to rip the CD to mp3's and try to improve the sound quaility?

Ripping it to MP3 results in a mess of shitty sound that no EQ can fix.

If you wanna try to fix it, pull it down as .wav files.

But be warned -- much better equipment than Cool Edit Pro was used to mix and master this, or any (new Metallica album excepted) CD. Listen to the damn thing on a CD player rather than little teeny files in your mp3 player and you'll realize a whole new world of sonic fidelity...

Just my 2 cents as I wait for these Exodus mp3's to finish... :)