Epic drunk stories


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
After checking out that vid that morgan posted and then seeing a few people sharing stories about there own experiences i figured id start a well deserved thread for it..so post your best or worst drunkin fool story here

Me and a few people went down to atlantic city for the night it was my buddys 21st birthday and we only live about a half hour away so its kind of a ritual for anyone around here that turns 21..There is a bar in the tropicana that serve $5 40's so we planned to stop there and have one and then hit the blackjack tables...

a couple hours and a few 40's later we completely abandon the idea of even gambling and we end up heading back home to polish off a few bottles and play some beer pong. This is where the night starts to get fun.

Around 3:30am we hear a knock at the door so my buddy yells (doesnt even go near the door just yells from across the room) asking who it is. The conversation went as follows...

"Who Is It"
"Barnegat Police can you open the door sir"
"Quit fucking around matt you know im too drunk for this shit right now"
"Sir this is the police if you dont open the door then we will open it"
"Matt man quit it your fucking up my buzz"

about a minute goes by and he decides to go open the door..turns out it really was the police lol they got a good laugh out of it too surprisingly but basically just said keep the music down they were getting noise complaints.

On with the night...

End of the night comes around,my vision is quadtracked by this point in time so i decide im gonna go home and sleep in my own bed rather then crash on the kitchen counter with a loaf of bread as a pillow, i live right around the corner and i figured the walk wouldnt be too hard. a buddy decides to crash at my house too being there wasnt really much space left at the other house. We get to my place and when i got in i realized that the walk up the stairs to my room woulda been too much so i just crashed on the couch and told my buddy if he can make it up there then go for it. I get woken up around 830 in the morning (mind you we stumbled in around 5) so im still kind of drunk.

Now when i got woken up the weird thing was it was my neighbor that woke me up...I gain the focus in my eyes a little bit and i ask him what hes doing waking me up this early and howd he get in my house..Well ladies and gentlemen i live in a duplex and as it turns out, instead of opening the door on the left i opened the one on the right..he wasnt in my house, i was in HIS house on HIS couch and yelling at him for coming into my house and waking me up as early as he did. For about 10 minutes im trying to tell this guy to get out of my house and im literally pissed as hell at him for coming in..He finally points to the wall of pictures of him and his girl and the light dawned on me.

I then told him "shit man daves sleepin upstairs in one of ur bedrooms then" he goes up and checks and says no ones in any of the rooms so i figured maybe he had got up early and left already...

I then get my drunk ass up and out of his house, take the 5 steps over to my door only to see said persons legs hanging out of my front door...this is how he fell asleep...legs on the front porch and upper body in the doorway and into the house. So who was i talking to when i went into the neighbors house is beyond me. moral of the story kids-

Lock your doors, you never know what drunkin fool is going to come in and crash on your couch

sorry for the book but figured youd get a better picture if i outlined the whole night
Had bleach poured on my face, been raped, and had my eyebrow shaved off all in the one night.

Other than that the usual booked by police for throwing traffic cones about, thrown out bars for walking in with stellar amounts of booze, blatantly hitting people who weigh twice as much as me, starting fights, stopping girls killing each other, woken up in a flat where someone had bought degus (small furry rodents) on the day of hangover after a party and let them loose on all the people passed out, been elbow deep in my own vomit, snorted a lot of shit I really shouldn't have snorted, pissed in other peoples sinks, wasted a lot of booze on other peoples heads, thrown out a party at 6am with no sleep for 36 hours in the middle of winter in a place I had no idea how to find my way around because I had drunk a bit of someone elses vodka, tears in random toilets, oral in random toilets, puked blood in random toilets, been so hungover I could barely stand. The usual.
that about sums it up haha...a friend one time was so trashed he was pissin in his own hamper...we all tried tellin him what he was doin but insisted he knew what he was doin till the next morning he woke up like WHAT THE FUCK
I threw up in a plastic bag in the van on tour in Milwaukee, simultaneously SCREAMING at the top of my lungs in french. Laughing balls the whole time. Then I went into a Denny's ordered a huge meal and skipped out without paying. Next day I was hangover free.
The bassist in my band has this great story that we are constantly ribbing him for - its called the Solid Snake incident, basically he got paralytically drunk at a bar, woke up in a bathroom stall getting a blowjob from what he thought was the girl he was with at the time, at this point everything is fine, only he double checks and does a double take when he realises its actually an old man sucking him off, he suddenly wakes the fuck up, pulls out and runs out the stall. It's called the solid snake incident because apparently the guy looked like old snake, with the grey mustache, the running joke is that the tickly mustache hair is what woke him up.
hahahaha jesus these are fucking brilliant
i dont know if i have any funny drunken stories
my nights tend to go either perfectly or with me puking my guts out, so i stopped binge drinking around july.
Toooooo much story's :)

I lost my virginity to a Icelandic girl in a toilet in Kopenhagen at like 4 oclock in the morning, in a house that was being set to fire in frustration, by the boyfriend the other girl that lived in that building that was deepthroating my bandbuddy.
Toooooo much story's :)

I lost my virginity to a Icelandic girl in a toilet in Kopenhagen at like 4 oclock in the morning, in a house that was being set to fire in frustration, by the boyfriend the other girl that lived in that building that was deepthroating my bandbuddy.

Now that sounds like a fucking party.
I don't think I have any extreme stories like that to tell. I've been drunk as hell a decent amount of times but usually I have stayed out of trouble and other extreme things. Guess I'm just boring eh =)

But damn, I love reading this stuff, post more shit!
Yeah, nothing particularly ridiculous here either, though the first time I ever got supremely puking drunk was when I was at a bar in the city with some friends a couple of years ago (Summer 07 to be exact), and since I had just started drinking recently I had little to no concept of my limits. This was one of those places with an absurd list of cocktails, and god knows how many I sampled (couldn't resist the pound cake and chocolate cake shots, I've always had a voracious sweet tooth :D ), but when the night ended we had to take the train back up north to the suburbs (I was crashing at my friend's house, who lives closer to the city than I do), and the whole train ride home I lay with my face smeared on the train toilet (it was really just a big stainless steel bench with a hole and a seat) gurgling up vomit - and then when we got to my friend's stop, I rode back to his house in his car with my head out the window, and apparently puked down the side of his car as well (and proceeded to sleep the night in the passenger's seat) - so yeah, not my finest hour :lol:
I don't really misbehave enough after drinking, I just do math better and wake up the next day to wonder who the fuck broke into my flat, solved four sections' worth of problems on my computer, and left without leaving any other evidence at all...

I don't really misbehave enough after drinking, I just do math better and wake up the next day to wonder who the fuck broke into my flat, solved four sections' worth of problems on my computer, and left without leaving any other evidence at all...


You really know how to go on a bender man :) aha
I drink way to much for my own good, and I have done plenty stupid shit to go along with it. Although Öwen seems to have taken the lead here, I'll se if I can dig up some gold incidents.
I rode back to his house in his car with my head out the window, and apparently puked down the side of his car as well (and proceeded to sleep the night in the passenger's seat) - so yeah, not my finest hour :lol:

ive learned its almost impossible to puke out of a moving vehicle without landing a nice little racing stripe of puke down the side of it....i was even half hanging out of the car one time and still managed to hit the side of the car (funnier part was it was the same dudes car both times)
Goat lord there are just way to many but I have the tendency to wake up at strange places, often hundreds of kilometres from where the night started, usually without any or very partial recollection of the events that led me there.

Most epic was probably waking up in another country.

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